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Comment Why net neutrality will become a thing of the past (Score 3, Insightful) 318

Simple, it has become a political thing. Despite my warnings ( as loud as I could make them but OK not that loud ), to keep arguing it as a nonpartisan issue. THe opponents of net neutrality have an advantage that we who support it do not. Once net neutrality is gone, it will be hard to bring back. The ISP cartel knew this and were fighting very hard for politicization to happen.

Instead of, for example, arguing that this action swaps in one set of regulations for another, ( In fact the old set gave all the power to the ISP cartels, and they took us from #1 internet service to middle of the rtoad. ) some proponents let the ISP cartels make it a political issue. The fact is that some people would rather have Title II as a political argument instead of actually having the ISPs be controlled by Title II.

So here is what will happen, the ISP cartel will tie up the implementation for the next two years in court. Then who becomes President? Hillary? Seems to be imploding right in front of us. John Kerry? The guy who helped bring back the cold war. and Al Queda in the form of ISIS and who couldn't win before? Joe Biden. The guy whose interactions with women is so creepy he makes BIll Clinton seem normal.

here is an interesting fact for you , since World War II there has only been one person elected as President that came from the same party as the sitting President-- Bush (41) (following Reagan).

So we have a Republican, who when the next seat on the FCC comes up names a Republican FCC member who replaces a Democrat. The new Chairman becomes Ajit Pai. Bye bye net neutrality.

Submission + - Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 released ( "LDME Betsy" )

MouseTheLuckyDog writes: The latest version of Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 released ( "LDME Betsy" ) the web page offering ther MATE version describe Mint as

LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) is a very exciting distribution, targeted at experienced users, which provides the same environment as Linux Mint but uses Debian as its package base, instead of Ubuntu. LMDE is less mainstream than Linux Mint, it has a much smaller user base, it is not compatible with PPAs, and it lacks a few features. That makes it a bit harder to use and harder to find help for, so it is not recommended for novice users. LMDE is however slightly faster than Linux Mint and it runs newer packages. Life on the LMDE side can be exciting. There are no point releases in LMDE 2, except for bug fixes and security fixes base packages stay the same, but Mint and desktop components are updated continuously. When ready, newly developed features get directly into LMDE 2, whereas they are staged for inclusion on the next upcoming Linux Mint 17.x point release. Consequently, Linux Mint users only run new features when a new point release comes out and they opt-in to upgrade to it. LMDE 2 users don’t have that choice, but they also don’t have to wait for new packages to mature and they usually get to run them first. It’s more risky, but more exciting.

Downloads available are:

Mate edition Downloads available are:

For those wanting different window managers, other can be downloaded and installed from the repositories.

Submission + - Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 released ( "LDME Betsy" )

MouseTheLuckyDog writes: The latest version of Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 released ( "LDME Betsy" ) the web page offering ther MATE version describe Mint as

LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) is a very exciting distribution, targeted at experienced users, which provides the same environment as Linux Mint but uses Debian as its package base, instead of Ubuntu. LMDE is less mainstream than Linux Mint, it has a much smaller user base, it is not compatible with PPAs, and it lacks a few features. That makes it a bit harder to use and harder to find help for, so it is not recommended for novice users. LMDE is however slightly faster than Linux Mint and it runs newer packages. Life on the LMDE side can be exciting. There are no point releases in LMDE 2, except for bug fixes and security fixes base packages stay the same, but Mint and desktop components are updated continuously. When ready, newly developed features get directly into LMDE 2, whereas they are staged for inclusion on the next upcoming Linux Mint 17.x point release. Consequently, Linux Mint users only run new features when a new point release comes out and they opt-in to upgrade to it. LMDE 2 users don’t have that choice, but they also don’t have to wait for new packages to mature and they usually get to run them first. It’s more risky, but more exciting.

Downloads available are:

For those wanting different window managers, other can be downloaded and installed from the repositories.

Comment John Hilder lives. (Score 1) 417

This story brought to you by the AntiWaster party of the People's Republic of California . Because we all know it's the almond tree growers who are wasting the water. Not the millionnaire Hollywood crowd decrying the 1% while filling there private pools with tyhosaunds of gallons of water per year. Oh the vinyarder's who sell there $100 a bottle wine to the Hollywood crowd. PS: Shame that most modern /. readers don't get the reference and haven't yet made it. SF once again predicts the future.

Comment New AnitMicrosoft campaign. (Score 0) 362

Walk into the store with your phone recording. Ask the clerk if the computer's UEFI is locked, because you want to install Ubuntu.

If the clerk says yes, buy it. If it turns out you can't install Ubuntu then return it. Demand no restocking fee. If they balk play the recording.

Even better if the clerk says, yes I run Mint ( or something ) on the same computer at home. As if anyone believes that anymore.

Comment Re:It is time to get up one way or the other (Score 1) 1089

You are incorrect in understanding.
In the final round of voting, you get to choose from the candidates of each party. Democrats and Republicans are the primary vote getters and usually the only significant vote getters. There is a third party called libertarian which usually get betweeen 5% and 10% of the vote.

Then there are the very small parties. My understanding is the Communist party fields a candidate but they only receive >1%.

Occasionally there is another party which shines for one or tqwo elections.

Before the main election each party must choose their candidate. The usual way of doing this is by "primaries or cacuses". Primaries are straight votes, cacuses ( which are less common ) are something like that but the people meet in "voting areas" and debate each other till the end of the night when they vote..

So you first vote for a bunch of candidates, then from that bunch you vote for one of effectively two.

Comment Re:Graphics tablet. (Score 1) 385

First let me make clear. I do not suggest a Cintiq which is expensive as hell. I suggest a Cintiq clone which are a lot cheaper. Hell if the Galaxy Note Tablets were a bit bigger and could work better with a laptop I would recommend them.
A starting grad?
Let's see. She is still going to have to do some serious studying. At least GR and QFT. She's going to need to take notes and annotate her books. She is going to need to annotate her LaTeX documents ( probably as pdf ) for editting. She is going to need to mark up electric homework of her students ( assuming she is doing some sort of teaching as a grad ), She is going to need to mark up journal articles. Since most of that will all be electronic, if for no other reason then to save the space.

Seems like something she can use quite a bit.

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