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Comment How soon will the idiots start posting stupid law? (Score 1) 54

Theories like "the IRS won't tax it because it's law".
Or it's hearsay and ignoring the 27 some exceptions to the hearsay rules?
Even this story already borders on getting it wrong. "Fruit of the poisonous tree" can be gotten around by if you can demonstrate that the same evidence would inevitably have been obtained by legal means that they were undertaking.

Submission + - Obamacare subsidies struck down.

MouseTheLuckyDog writes: A federal appeals court has just struck down, the provision for granting tax subsidies for those who get their insurance through the federal website.

This in particular, shows up all those wnnabe geek idiots, who have been in ./. discussions saying that "The Supreme Court has found Obamacare constitutional.", that it is now "settled law". ( Just like "global warming is settled science". ) Obamacare was found to impose it's mandate constitutionally, and even then all aspects of "the mandate" were not considered, just whether it was constitutional to impose a mandate. Obamacare is complex and large. Very large. We now see two aspects of it, contraception and subsidies struck down. Whether it's some left/right thing, some Apple/Google thing, some tablet/desktop thing, some C/.Jabva/C#/Python thing, it is becoming common for one aspect to of an argument to be used to justify an entirely different argument ( "Double Checking Locking doesn't work therefore C sucks for multithreaded apps." ) let Obamacare stand as an example that, one must understand the context of an argument if one is to understand the argument.

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