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Comment Re:Some people... (Score 1) 621

Rebelling against your parents is good for self development only if done in a non self-destructive way. Staying up later than normal, listening to music or wearing clothes that clash with your parents' sensibilities; those are things that previous generations did at ten years old and they turned out fine. Equating those things to using a digital avatar to rape, murder and torture innocent people for fun is seriously fucked up. You use words like neocon in a rant and you already lost 50% of any kind of credibility a random person stating a case might have. Your last paragraph clearly demonstrates that you have gone full retard. Those grandparents that sneaked a little wine at 16 and listened to Elvis Presley had set a bar for crazy in their lives. Once they were adults, they might have smoked a little weed on their craziest days, (relative to everything else in their minds). Setting the bar early with enjoying murder and torture for fun at ten years old does what to a person? Do you have a shred of proof that it does nothing? I say it makes people cynical assholes and offer the internet as my proof. Just the fact that you can't seem to differentiate between yourself and your circle of influence with the entirety of the rest of the world in thinking "just about everyone tests as a sociopath, if they answer the test honestly" is the nail in your argument's coffin. Out here in reality, where you claim to have much knowledge but obviously do not, many of us volunteer our time, give to charity and help our neighbors when needed. Few of us have such skewed, fucked up sensibilities that we actually think a 10 year playing GTA 5 is not unhealthy for his mental and emotional development.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 663

Well they went out of there way to ensure that no other cables on the market would work straight out of the gate so I would imagine this was their intent from the get go. Have a prolonged beta so people buy the newest phones but think they are able to save some money by buying third party peripherals like they always have. Then once they get locked into a contract or feel returning the phone outright is too much trouble, bend them over and rape those dollars right out of their wallet. That smug smile those users have permanently plastered on their faces because of how awesome Apple is will make the company think their customers are actually enjoying the sodomy and the cycle will continue forever.

Comment Re:I always thought Auction house is what make Dia (Score 1) 219

I don't get what you're saying. You obviously don't have inordinate amounts of time or you would have been able to farm your own gear without having to use the AH. Since you don't have 16 hours a day to play you have ZERO chance to ever be anything but a loser on a leaderboard. You honestly think people will throw their hands up and praise the loss of not having an AH to deal with for the 'fun' of being ranked 250, 000th on the leaderboards? Unless you're really just full of shit and want to be handed the best gear without really trying for it, which is exactly what Loot 2.0 is aiming to accomplish. Loot 2.0 is about appeasing the masses with easier "I'm awesome" moments. Shortly after they gear completely up they will move on to another game or decide to completely restart from zero with nothing in a ladder they have no hope to win. In what realistic scenario does any of the information they've released make sense for the long term health of their game unless they are only planning on monopolizing the AH by replacing it with a P2W shop where they get all the cash? D3 does not have the fun factor of killing monsters that D2 had. Unless they are somehow redesigning the entire game from the ground up how can they nullify that lacking by nullifying everything that is interesting in the game for long term players?

Comment Re:I always thought Auction house is what make Dia (Score 3, Interesting) 219

Its sad when otherwise intelligent people say things that are in the realm of 'full retard'. There is absolutely zero reason why anyone playing a video game like Diablo 3 should care what other people do outside of plain and simple jealousy. Do I care if someone else has 250k DPS? Not at all because that has zero impact on me or the game that I am playing. Is your jealousy so out of control that you demand that not only your own sense of achievement be kept 'pure' but everyone else's? I can only assume that you are sitting around waiting for a reason to get angry regardless of how stupid you look in making your argument. If there was PVP in the game from the start you would be right. That is the kind of P2W that kills games. In a purely PVE game there are no valid reasons to remove the AH except to appease the crybabies. In Diablo 3, what are those players paying to win? There is no end game and nothing to win. If someone pays cash for gear to farm faster, the only person who is hurt by taking that away is the lucky guy who won the lottery of ROG for an item he didn't need.
Why do I care? Because the RMAH allowed me to buy WOW for my kid and SC2 for my girlfriend. I got lucky and it turned out that someone else was willing to pay for what I didn't need. Other than being butt hurt over knowing someone else has better gear than you, what is the point in claiming you were hurt by that?
The worst part is, Blizzard is in the business of making money. With the amount of cash they make off of the AH, they will have something else in the works to recoup those lost monies. Knowing Blizzard, the only reason to do this is to change all items to bind on pickup and open their own P2W shop where they create the items and keep all of the cash.

Comment Re:KVM? (Score 1) 79

I found out about them in the mid nineties when I got an extra pc with no peripherals from a neighbor and wanted to use it just for games. They were amazing, magical devices back when it was easier to just get another computer than it was to find a big enough hard drive to hold everything you wanted to have access to.

Comment Re:KVM? (Score 5, Informative) 79

When you are part of an industry and use a certain term multiple times you get to decide when and what you create acronyms for. Since a lot morons among the AC crowd don't seem to get simple concepts, I will explain this one for your benefit. Acronyms are made to make speaking easier/quicker when you MUST repeat yourself. People that make KVM switches probably took about 10 seconds into their first meeting talking about making this product to decide that repeatedly saying keyboard video mouse was a waste of time. Just because the entirety of your experience with acronyms begins and ends with lol, fml and diaf as you text your twelve year old friends does not mean that the world in general doesn't understand that time is money. If you had even a modicum of experience in a non-entry level position in a larger company you would realize that most acronyms in the world are business related; created and mostly used by the people that create the idea or product then picked up by the general public over time. The military is an exception to that rule. They have a serious addiction to creating acronyms for everything.

Comment Re:This is why I have a 1 week delayed install pol (Score 1) 254

I think that's where the line is drawn for a lot of people myself included. I program a lot at home but my home PC was built primarily for gaming. I could care less if my compile times could be slightly faster on Linux. The games I enjoy aren't now or ever will be ported to Linux. Nearly everything I do happens almost instantaneously on my Win7 machine so for all the claims that its faster, I don't see how the times I'm seeing could possibly be faster unless Linux users claim supernatural speeds or time distortion. If you are running on a junk rig or are worried about microseconds, more power to you for finding an OS that improves what you do. For the overwhelmingly vast majority of us out there 'good enough' will never be trumped by marginal issues or the pain in the ass of worrying about hardware and software compatibility.

Comment Re:Too Little Too Late IMO (Score 2) 263

"Wake me when I can buy/sell games 2nd hand over Steam. THAT would actually make me happy.. =)"
That's a nonsense reason to be mad at Steam. Every penny that you think you would be getting is more than made up for by being able to buy at steep discounts. I got Black Ops 2 for half price shortly after it was released. It's still going for 50 bucks pre-owned at Game Stop on 360. Even following a trade in process like that I would be at the same place monetarily but no longer the owner of the game. The only thing that would be remotely close to being worth it monetarily would be an open market where people could trade/sell games but that won't happen. For Steam to even keep on existing it can't happen. The liability issues alone would make them never even think of implementing such a stupid idea. How could they possibly endorse a system that had no ability to cross reference the millions of transactions that would take place with every system out there to find out if that cd key had been banned from online play? VAC would be easy but that's not the only ban you would have to worry about. Do you think, even with a seven thousand page TOS, that people wouldn't be suing the crap out of Valve every time someone sold them a game that they couldn't play online? Its a PR nightmare, a litigation nightmare and would screw the rest of us that are smart enough to see that only suckers buy games at full price instead of waiting a couple of months and getting a 50-90% discount.

Comment Re:belief in science (Score 1) 347

"Radiometric dating is a tool of the devil, clearly."
"The principles of radioactive decay were established more than a century ago, and tens of thousands of experiments have been performed that verify it. "
And here come the sheep. Baaah! Speak on brother. Tell me again how the FACT that a certain isotope decays at a set rate somehow provides a strong enough correlation between its own age and the age of the item in question that it becomes fact. Please, Preacher Man, give this ignorant heathen your wisdom! How can anyone but the basest, most profoundly stupid person jump from;
We know the rate of decay of C14 is 5730 years so we now can say with certainty, (specifically and only because we know this one fact), that:

1. The rate of carbon 14 creation in the upper atmosphere has been constant for the entirety of Earth's existence even though the atmospheric conditions that allow its creation have been anything but constant. Which means...

2. The proportions of Carbon 14 and Carbon 12 to all other elements on the Earth has been constant for the last 5 Billion years.

3. The proportion of all isotopes of Carbon to other elements in a creature's mass has remained constant since the first life crawled out of the primordial ooze.

3. It is a complete and verifiable truth that every specimen tested for its age was found today with exactly the same number of C12 and C14 as the moment it died EXCEPT for those created due to radioactive decay.

4. The equipment used to determine how many C14 and C12 atoms a specimen has is infallible and is guaranteed to not miss a single atom.

5. When dating the same sample multiple times finds that a specimen is between an range of ages in the hundreds of millions that it is perfectly acceptable to discard every date in that range but the one that fits the one you want it to be.

Tell me what science magically turns those five ASSUMPTIONS into FACTS and I will gladly join your system of beliefs. You have faith that those assumptions are indeed facts because someone smarter than you said they were and you lack the intelligence to think for yourself. Its a religion of stupidity, not science. Any one of those things not being exactly what you assume it to be, (without even the smallest bit of proof to back up your claim), means that the end result could be radically different and therefore scientifically useless.

Comment Re: Good (Score 2) 333

From someone who has driven over a million miles in my life it is absolutely not a myth. Maybe saying all traffic jams but I've watched entire stretches of highway have a collective drop of over 30 mph just because of a few stupid people hitting their brakes too hard. Its easily proven as well. Start paying attention around traffic lights with a lot of cars and without exception, the lane with morons stomping the gas will quickly become the lane with the morons over-breaking to compensate and the lane where more cars than not are no longer accelerating at all. You can watch it cascade down the lane for dozens of cars. I've also driven through Atlanta, GA with wall to wall cars, more than I've ever seen across six lanes of highway and everyone doing over 65mph. One jackass cut someone off then three entire lanes dropped to less than 30mph as everyone saw one guy break then panicked.

Comment Re:belief in science (Score 2) 347

Except that only works in theory and for very few people at that. For the vast majority of people, their faith in their fellow man leads to a 'belief' in things that are called science but far from it. Loving science is what has turned me into a very harsh critic of many so-called sciences. The more I read about carbon dating, and how little science is actually involved, the more I realized that most people who hate religion have just as much faith in their false beliefs.
" the authority of science derives from empirical testing and reason, not belief." I agree completely. There isn't any empirical testing or reason that would lead one to believe that an assumption, based on other assumptions, taken along with yet more assumptions, (all of which could radically alter the end result), somehow make for good science. If its something that could, at a future date, be proven correctly then the journey is worthy by scientific standards. In the case of carbon dating there is absolutely zero reason for anyone to even begin to make those assumptions except to take a contrary position against a religion that says the Earth is young. There really can't be any arguments for pushing for certain results except that one thing. That to me makes the fact that millions of people who strive to maintain faith in it as a real science are wrongfully standing proud under nothing more than a broken system of belief.
What you say sounds good, but only in a world where "scientists" don't proclaim pseudo-science as fact and where most people gladly accept it as such.

Comment Re:SPOILERS (Score 1) 1233

I'm curious why you feel it necessary to say "terr'ist sand-nigger." without any evidence of having ever heard that come from a TSA worker's mouth? Without that evidence you are racist yourself for typing it. Sorry, but fuck racists, you included.
That said, unless this guy can prove that the swab test was rigged, failed or somehow didn't work he can't really complain too much if a test indicated that he was exposed to explosive substances. Anyone running an airline would be stupid to allow someone on their airplanes who had evidence of explosives on them. And I can very easily see a person being pissed off enough to make a bunch more shit up in order to make their story more likely to make the news.
I'm white and was also pulled out of line for 'extra' screening on half of the flights I've ever flown on. I guess those racist TSA agents must have thought I was a "terr'ist sand-cracker"?


Russian Vehicle Delivers Spacesuit Repair Kit To ISS 39

A Russian spacecraft has successfully delivered new supplies to the ISS. Crucially, its payload is meant to prevent a repeat of the aborted spacewalk of earlier this month. Says the article:: "The cargo ship is loaded with nearly 3 tons (2.7 tonnes) of food, fuel, hardware and science experiment equipment for the six-person crew of the station's Expedition 36 mission. Among its cargo is a set of tools intended to help the astronauts investigate and patch up the spacesuit that malfunctioned during a July 16 spacewalk outside the orbiting laboratory."

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