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Comment Re:It is Not DDoS (Score 1) 423

Nobody is breaking into the systems, they are simply utilized beyond their capacity to serve, and that happens because enough people band together to cause the disruption... Witch is in turn caused by company's actions.

Sounds just like a slashdotting. :-)

1) Website posts online article. (Company action)
2) Article gets posted to Slashdot. (Organization of people)
3) Disruption of service!

Comment Re:Explanation? (Score 1) 794

I can see it now, this being marketed as a speed voting 'feature':

Announcer: Tired of voting taking so much of your time? All that tedious 'select a candidate for a race and hit Next'? With new the new Vote-0-Matic 'Speed Voting (tm)' feature just press and hold and the 'best' candidate for your language will automatically be selected and proceed to the next screen. Voting for the whole ballot is fast, easy, and just one-click!

Comment Re:This is just faulty math (Score 1) 1260

Actually, if you define 0.999... as having an infinite number of decimal points, then it is true. And that's how that ellipsis is defined! It means exactly infinite repeating decimals.

So the difference between 1 and 0.999... is an infinite number of zeros followed by a 1

1.0 - 0.999... = 0.000...1

Comment Re:This is why (Score 1) 14

Zogger, I've seen you mention your typing problem a couple of times now...
When your typing fails, is the mouse pointer outside the border of window you're trying to type in?
If this is the case, you may just have a desktop settings problem.

Window managers usually offer multiple window focus options. In some modes focus is always to the window on top (like in MS Windows), in other modes, whichever window the pointer is over will be 'in focus' and receive the keyboard input whether that window is on top or not.

Comment Re:Perhaps nobody else cares? (Score 1) 952

I agree with probably not needing 2560x2048 (I like 1600x1200 and find 1280x1024 adequate), but my complaint is that many monitors are are now replaced by 'widescreen' versions where they've essentially chopped off the lower 30% of the display instead of adding more pixels in the Horizontal direction. This means a former 1280x1024 display is now 1280x720, giving less vertical resolution than 1024x768 displays. This may be great for movies, but I don't like it for computing work.

Comment Re:Monthly Fee (Score 1) 490

Heh... I was an early Tivo adopter with what's now referred to as a Series 1 machine, it only came with 20Gb of storage.
This was back when you could get lifetime subscriptions for a flat $250 fee.
I bought it around 2000-2001, so it's close to 10 years old.
When I signed up for the lifetime guide option, ISTR subscriptions were $8/mo.
I figured I'd get my money's worth on the subscription if it lasted 3 years.
The Tivo is still running, on it's 3rd set of hard disks, and I still get guide updates without the monthly fee.

I only get basic cable, and it's still available in analog format.
I don't know which will last longer. Analog cable, or the Tivo.
Whichever one goes first will effectively make my Tivo useless, but I won't be too disappointed.
I believe I got my money's worth.

I also have an extensive MythTV setup with 2 analog and 3 digital tuners, with one dedicated for OTA.
It's not like I won't have anything to watch when the Tivo becomes useless.

Comment Re:Security... (Score 1) 344

Your guest may want to riffle through your papers and make a mess, but what he really wants to do is break into that maintenance room to tap your phone, read your mail, insert advertisements and porn in your Cable TV, clog up your drains, crank up the heating and A/C, open all the windows and doors, then kick back and wait for instructions from his boss about sending out spam or whom to DOS. If you try to evict him and do it improperly, you end up burning down the whole house.

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