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Comment Thank God (Score 3, Funny) 227

Despite having paid for Netflix, Prime and the occasional other service I still watched downloaded content off the internet for years because it's less hassle and has no ads. Every so often I would dip into the streaming services I was paying for because the experience became easier, better and more content I wanted was available so there was a reason for me to use Amazon Prime Video...but over time I became concerned that I am paying for Prime and getting all this "free" stuff without being funnelled like livestock into a narrow pathway to have my eyelids taped open to watch those quality ads I so wanted...but now that they're adding in the ads I can rest my conscience. This is nothing short of a Christmas miracle. Thank god, his son the baby jesus and of course Jeff Bezos that so uncompromisingly held the customer at the heart of it all. Happy new, Prime free, year to all.

Comment But why? (Score 1) 230

Have they not told the plebs to go back to work in an office?? Don't people know they are more productive in the offices of commercial real estate landlords?? Think of the poor landlord. So sad. Wondering whether we'll end up not reproducing enough to necessitate high housing prices or if new home building will ever outpace demand. Plan A; 1. Do whatever you can to buy a home. 2. Sell it for more or a lot more. 3. Repeat This will always work and always scale until it doesn't. (BTW how do you spell "doesn't" in Chinese?)

Comment Don't buy (Score 1) 162

These service providers know people. Teach the monkey to watch the magic picture for the price of a cookie. Once they are in the habit gentle ask for a little more...and more...and guess what? The money puts up with it because it has been normalised. Hear that special sound? That's Pavlov's bell telling you it's time to be happy.

Comment The answer is NO! (Score 1) 391

I have never seen a face mask stop a virus. All my friends on Facebook say it's bullshit. I walked around without a mask the entire pandemic and I haven't even died once! If that's not real proof it wasn't even a pandemic it I don't know what is! Honestly it was just some nonsense made by big pharma to make us inject 5G chips into our kids to track them. Seriously when will people realise the truth that the deepest state is manipulating the deeper state that is controlling the deep state that is dictating their lives from the shadows and my anti-vaxxer Facebook group is unto it! Just say no to being told what to do by the evil and wrong government!! (But please still stop at red lights, get your permits and wear your seatbelts)

Comment Sub-optimal performance (Score 1) 66

These are things that cannot and should not be tolerated; Insubordination, non-compliance and sub-optimal performance. If you let such things slip without punishing the peasants they will soon talk back and think they deserve to be treated fairly. Only the ruling and controlling minority elite is allowed leeway with lunch breaks but do not do as we do just do as we say! Now get back to work! The efficiency graph is plateauing.

Comment Someone has to get caught (Score 1, Informative) 38

...well someone has toget aight every so often. I mean they cannot really jail all those connected Feferal Reserve members that quit after being told off indirectly...they cannot really get BlackRock, Goldman Sachs or Citidal's senior staff who are significantly harder to catch or prove of anywrong doing even if they're mostly fucking everyone else over... It's not alla conspiracy but it's well known there's a mountain of shit the FBI, SEC and the like never even manage to get near let alone so something about.

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