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Comment Free us from thinking! (Score 1) 143

Dear Facebook,

Thank you for this. I've often felt a bit lost when people should be told they are annoying. Now that you have cemented this in code aspies everywhere will finally be able to know EXACTLY when a person is annoying and by definition when they are annoying.

I do hope that all future messages, tweets, pokes, posts, nods, winks and obscene gestures will be filtered via Facebook in the future, for posterity.

Perhaps we could go into business together. My registered patent is a bit similar but involves slapping people in the face when they piss me off by. Naturally to demonstrate this we'd have to meet in person, with the creators of this pokes per hour epiphany. You know, genius to genius.

Comment Uhm (Score 2) 152

I started off writing this with; "While I have great respect and admiration for Linus I seriously doubt that having one unilateral "decision maker" is an advantage..."

After some thought it turned into; "Sure there is always a slow-down due to additional debate when there is more than one person at the helm however, when they reach a consensus and fail they will not be able to pinpoint the guilty party.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you have a wagon and that's pulled by 10 horses that's great, as long as they all pull in the same direction.

Comment Rise of encrypted net (Score 1) 89

Given widespread surveillance, by law or otherwise it will and has driven people to encrypt all traffic. My traffic is like my mail. You cannot look into every letter just because you suspect copyright infringement. You need a court order allowing you to pry into my mail. I do not like people reading my mail, even if I am only wishing my mother happy birthday. It's none of your business. Encrypt your mail/communications. Private means private. I rent a mail service from my ISP, to deliver the friggin mail, not to read it at the behest of greedy, ignorant bastards.

Comment Multi-layered security (Score 1) 69

It's these sort of things that make you paranoid about the world+dog having access to everything. If it's not outright surveillance it's accidental. If not by design then by lack of design. A bug, a user error, a missed setting, a weak password etc. *puts on tin foil hat* Screw this, I'm going somewhere, underground, without electricity or things that need it. Log that.

Comment Censorship (Score 1) 678

The reasons for censorship are irrelevant.

Eventually there will be more and more censorship of the internet, it's already happening and cannot be stopped.

In truth that battle for "internet freedom" is a pointless fight. Like all censorship it will never be absolute, it will always fail.

People will always find ways around censorship. If I cannot speak my mind on your site, I will go elsewhere.

Of course I would argue that if you cannot bear to read thoughts which go completely against your beliefs it should not be me that has to make a change. If we were neighbors, which on the internet we might as well be because distance becomes less relevant for the purposes of communication, would I have to be considerate? of course. Would you have to respect my rights? you bet.

To my Saudi Arabia neighbors I can only say that if you don't like the neighborhood, move away. No one is forcing you to use the internet, facebook etc.

Comment HTC barked up the wrong tree (Score 1) 209

While they are still making profit, unlike nokia, I believe they have gambled on the wrong feature. I love my HTC One X, but seriously, who makes use of a quad 1.5Ghz CPU in a phone? True, this is not a server chip, but I'm pretty sure a dual core would have been more than sufficient.

In my opinion it would make more sense to have sleeker user interface features, more battery life and or better camera etc.

So between the software lock-in "features" of IOS & the superior implementation and marketing of Samsung the third player loses because they are competing for the same segment.
Who knows, maybe windows will save it. At least it will be different and not easily comparable. A different quality product would not necessarily compete for the same customers.
Give us usability, cross device sync, larger than 2GB file support, playback of popular .mkv formats, give us the option to remove "features" we do not want...the list goes on, there is real room to innovate here, if there wasn't why are there so many mods for android out there?

Comment Re:Wow (Score 2) 273

Unlimited storage for $5/mo? I have to get on this shit.

Website says $3.96/m for unlimited data. Something tells me this business model will not survive without some serious bandwidth limitations. After all, if you upload is limited to 100mb then you ability to (non commercially) fill Terabytes of data is limited.

Comment You know... (Score 5, Interesting) 81

Richard Stallman, often considered a nutcase, once said that he won't use a cell phone because he does not want to be tracked.

Whether by design, by accident or by the nature of the device, the fact is you can be tracked. Of course I don't care about that, because I have nothing to hide...then again what will this information be/is used for? big brother stuff, of course not!? Naturally, it's all just a big misunderstanding.

Comment Here's an idea (Score 1, Troll) 717

We'll use European cars that already get that sort of milage! Not sure if Americans know, but cars in the US are stupidly large for no good reason. Might help the fuel bills to get a smaller, more practical car. Oh yeah, some people in the US are stupidly large, for no good reason either. Might help food bills...

Comment Healing powers of crack rock (Score -1, Troll) 218

What the heck has this guy been smoking? it must have been phenomenal. Average life expectancy of a hobbit? is the the sort of hobbit that has a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and regular exercise? do they drink yakult?! does that factor in dark lords and undead agents?
Beyond the smoke I can see talk of Dragon paleontology, maybe for a slot next month.

What's next on the agenda, Nazgul Kamasutra? how about some Elven Feng shui??

Why don't you get out of your mother's basement and speak to real people! heck you might even get to know some.

Comment Ridiculous (Score 1) 606

While it may be in extremely bad taste this opens the door to some very grey areas.

After all, how can you measure how offended I am? sure people would appeal to things like "common sense" perhaps "civility" and "morals".
The problem only becomes apparent when people start to realize that , morals are made up and really what offends you will not necessarily offend me.

What I see as funny you may not agree with, to jail people over things which offend in my opinion borders on madness.

I wonder if this sort of nonsense is how they ultimately began public stoning, witch burning.

Comment Several factors at work (Score 1) 341

1. Target audience, we're less prone to being polite and conform to social norms with strangers. Simply put, in a forum full of nicknames and no physical connection with the people behind those nicknames we often don't care what they think.

2. Anonymity, there's no consequence to behaving badly/rudely. In fact some people are encouraged they managed to upset another person.

3. Motivation, often when a person is confronted with a similar pattern or argument they would opt to dismiss it, as quickly and as long lasting as possible. This often happens with rehashed debates when people simply give up or excuse themselves from having to explain or repeat. They resort to an emotional response, anger, trolling or ridicule. Often a mix of a few things.
So it regresses to a response that may be useless to one person and more useful to the person responding. Instead of wasting their time hearing something they disagree with people want their beliefs reinforced, not challenged. This is doubly true if the challenge is obviously flawed or flat out wrong.
So more often than not, when someone asks a question that has an obvious answer, is flawed etc someone will make fun of it. A social currency if you will, I have taken time to consider your words, you have said something I deem foolish, I wasted my time but have made fun of you as to at least derive satisfaction. right, wrong, moral or not.

It also allows some people to get attention. This is especially easy if they are consistently funny and other users read their responses, jokes, input, trolling etc.

4. Medium, The way we process written language differs to the way we process verbal language. Typing often allows you to put down raw thoughts that you later revise, edit and refine. When we speak we often think twice about what we are saying, to whom and how that may sound to them.
Conveying emotion is text is much harder, there is no tone of voice, no pitch, volume, pronunciation or accent etc.

5. Human nature, being rude, trolling, it may be a form of rough play. I believe it is imperative that some people experience some of that rough play, it's character building and will allow them to understand they are not a special and unique snow flake that happened to be the 8th winner, their just dumb, fat and live in their mother's basement.

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