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Comment Re:HCF (Score 4, Insightful) 102

I gather however that this is plain incompetence (Dunning-Kruger-Type) with regards to the voltage regulators. Switching voltage regulation is really hard to do right unless you over-engineer seriously. You can get all sorts of bizarre effects, including a puff of smoke.

I appreciate the irony of you mentioning the Dunning-Kruger syndrome with your statement. Switching voltage regulation has been around for over 30 years and isn't much of a mystery. Since the early motherboards started reducing voltages from 5v down to 3.3v (and below), every motherboard has had on-board voltage regulation. It's hard to believe that something as fundamental as a switching regulator would suddenly exceed the engineering skill of the motherboard designers.


Comment Re:Probably not. (Score 1) 546

And who writes and optimizes the sort routine in the API?

Same problem with "Just use the routine in the library". Who writes the libraries? What if I don't want to include a 9Mb library to my project just to get a sort routine and some string handling functions?

And don't say "just check Google". Once again, someone has to develop the code you're using for inspiration.


Comment Re:Might cause a re-thinking of the F-35 (Score 1) 275

Nice try, but the fact that the aircraft are all moving in relationship to each other plus the fact that the interconnect signals are only traveling between them as fast as the radar signals they receive means trying to triangulate with timing differences would be close to impossible.

The reason GPS works is the satellites are synced to an atomic clock source to a billionth of a second accuracy, along with dynamic orbital-correction information to give the exact distance to the satellite. Even with the new "atomic clock on a chip" to give distances, their spacial locations would be unknown.

Newer planes use a phase-array antenna system to give azimuth (direction) to the signal source. With multiple planes receiving directional information and sharing that information between themselves, a location can be determined. As with your timing approach, the more receivers and wider the separation, the better the accuracy.


Comment Slippery Slope (Score 3, Interesting) 186

This is a very slippery slope. Trying to balance the rights of individuals to remove incorrect information about themselves and trying to remove unflattering information about themselves. Having a process to verify the individual, the reasons for wanting the information removed, and is the public interest best served by removing the information.

I'm sure there are many public figures that would love a chance to remove some of the news items about themselves.


Comment Re:Boring (Score 1) 52

If I was going to attempt to break into your network or record video of your property, I would connect the camera and wifi equipment to a kite and fly it over your house. No noise, people are used to seeing kites, and I retain control of the kite and can bring it back quickly. I could do the same thing with a long pole from my car or a balloon.

Flying RC toys are just the trigger topic of the week to get people's ire up.


Comment Re:Closed Captioning (Score 4, Informative) 76

Close captioning doesn't take any bandwidth. Closed Captioning is encoded within line 21 of overscan information within an analog screen page. With 30 frames per second, that gives enough plenty of information with no added bandwidth. Digital TV encodes the information within the digital stream itself.

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