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Submission + - Microsoft scam man is sentenced in 'landmark' case (UK BBC News)

PsyMan writes: "A man who ran a Microsoft computer scam tricking people into paying for free anti-virus software has received a suspended four-month jail sentence."
In other news Avast and Symantec have started moving their UK offices to mainland Europe...

Comment Re:Take a look at Synology's DSM (Score 3, Informative) 114

I would have to agree with you, Synology for their NAS range is very intuitive for non techy people, shame the hardware underneath is a bit underpowered for what it could be. For SOHO though you could pretty much run one as the main server. Great GUI for a linux backend. XPEnology is pretty good too though, best of both worlds when installed on to a mid end PC (thinking i5 / low end Xeon ?) not entirely legal though I suspect. I guess the usibility is why their NAS's hold their price second hand as it can't be the power of the hardware or reletively slow network transfer rates that keep them popular. Hmm, where have we seen that before ? Apple ?

Comment Make a list (Score 2) 983

Catalogue the contents and when you lose it all you can spend 10 minutes searching for the 2% of the content you really want to download again and feel good that you now have 98% of your storage space back to start filling with more crap :D

Comment Dont shaft your own economy (Score 1) 133

So many high end brands move their production to China sending blueprints of their lucrative products to sweatshops and then wonder why the market suddenly gets flooded with counterfeit/perfect copies. They only really have themselves to blame for selling out their own countrys workers in the name of more profit. +1 for making them foot the customs bill though, hopefully at a vastly inflated rate plus expenses.

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