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Comment Re:How is this news for nerds? (Score 3, Informative) 1083

Ummm. No.

Regardless of whether the State -should- be involved in marriage....it already -IS-.
Specifically there are certain legal statuses and protections as well as financial benefits granted to married couples.

As long as those benefits are granted one class of married couples (heterosexuals) they must be granted to -ALL- married couples, and to not do so is an explicitly clear violation of the 14th Amendment.

Submission + - US Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal Nationwide (reuters.com)

westlake writes: In a ruling that is the court's most important expansion of marriage rights in the United States since its landmark 1967 decision in Loving v. Virginia that struck down state laws barring interracial marriages, the US Supreme Court has declared same-sex marriage legal nationwide.
In the background of an unexpectedly liberal turn in Court, as seen by conservatives, is the growing power and influence of "the technocrat," by which they mean the dominant economic forces of the 21st century, Hollywood in entertainment, Silicon Valley in tech, Amazon in retailing, and so on.

Comment Re:sigh... (Score 1) 940

there is something to the idea that if a company is too big to fail, its too big to exist, and should be broken up.
those megabanks and financial institutions should be broken up, and restricted from activities they allowed to spread into through deregulation.

But that pain you mention also means misery and suffering for large swaths of the public dependent on them. the companies and rich folks can weather that a lot better than regular folks can. in the Great Depression there were two classes of people that were largely unaffected: the very rich, and the very poor. and also in the great depression, that wealth from the loser who did lose everything didn't really spread back out to the public; it was absorbed other powerful entities.

As for the bailed out auto companies, they not only got back on their feet, but returned a profit to the American taxpayer. There is a big difference between the megabanks that were bailed out and the car manufacturers. Chiefly in the number and type of employees they have. keeping them operating meant keeping people employed, people who spend large portions of their income (the more money people make, the less they contribute to the overall economy as a percentage of income) which keeps money moving through the economy, slowing (or even arresting) its collapse, just as the social safety nets do, and for the same reasons.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 176

an intelligent society eliminates risks -BEFORE- they cause harm, not after. your "logic" (and that's being generous) is the stupidity that says we shouldn't regulate food producers based on the theory that if they poison and kill someone "the market will punish them"....but meanwhile some is still dead.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 176

"Less than 10 kilos"...22 pounds.
How many birds do you know that weigh 22 lbs?
One of the most common birds involved in bird strike incidents is the common Canadian goose. They weigh ~10lbs. And they manage to damage aircraft. Particularly if they strike the engines, which is a serious threat. And they're made of a lot softer material than drones are. Metal and hard plastic into a turbine is bad news. You are an idiot.

Comment Re: Colorado sure has nice beaches (Score 1) 940

"rental" includes the homes that are being bought up at above market prices, creating another housing bubble by the way, in order to be rented out by these investment groups repacking the revenue streams from the rent as securities on the stock market...again...just like they did with mortgage revenue streams...which you may recall eventually led to the crash in 2008?

Comment Re:I'm spending 60% of my monthly income on rent (Score 1) 940

People have to have a place to live. As such, much like medical care, rent is one of those things that people will tend to try their damnedest to come up with, even when the "perfect rational economic actor" would abstain from taking the deal.

this isn't a perfect theoretical market with people actually willing to walk away from any and all unreasonable deals. instead people find the least unreasonable deal they can, and then get a ton of roommates or three jobs, or whatever. the market is somewhat distorted by the fact that few people are willing to walk away from the transaction and be homeless.

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