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Comment Re:Hows that Hope and Change Working Out? (Score 1) 339

Stop being an American.

No, I don't mean move. I mean stop identifying with a collective defined by their acceptance of enslavement to a particular group of thugs and sociopaths who call themselves the U.S. government.

I was born in the region known as America. I live in the region known as America. I'm no fucking American. I'm a person, and my name is Ofer.

Comment Re:Naming Names (Score 1) 650

The only enemies I have are the people who insist I have enemies.

So fucking sick of collectivism. I am not America, America is not me. I am not responsible for the actions of the psychopaths who claim to rule me; in fact, I continuously oppose them. Countries are not my enemies; they don't even exist outside of our imaginations. 99.9% of the individuals in the world are not my enemies.

"hiding with our enemies"

You're like a retarded child who never figured out that playing make believe stops when it's time to go inside for dinner.

Comment Re:Naming Names (Score 1) 650

There's plenty of evidence about the NWO's world domination plans (and who can blame them -- if you were in their position and a sociopath, you'd do the same).

There's zero evidence of the existance of any gods.

So, drop the religion/phrophecy crap. I know it's only a small improvement in credibility in the eyes of the mainstream who laugh at both aspects of what you're saying, but at least you'll get a little less contempt from me.

tl;dr: shut up about antichrist, you make me look bad, bro

Comment Re:Diet and laziness (Score 1) 707

Somes of these things are not like the others:

  - Birthers: who cares, it's not like most of the things any recent president has done is constitutional anyway
  - truthers: some evidence
  - AGW deniers: the science is politicized, which is the real problem
  - anti-vaccine: again, the science is politicized, which makes it hard for some people to trust the "authorities"; plus, any agency willing to murder half a million kids (Iraq during the Clinton sanctions) is, from any objective point of view, also capable of poisoning it's own people, whether accidently or mailiciously; again, the theme here is government involvement hurts science's objectivity and credibility
  - young earthers: religion. barf
  - homeopaths: mystics. barf
  - intelligent design: religion. barf

Comment Re:Contempt for copyright law (Score 1) 120

Just remember that you're blaming the victim.

I didn't create the government or it's absurd copyright laws. When I post some code with no license, I'm not the one threatening to sue. I'm not the one creating a situation where you have to constantly fear me suing no matter how much I assure I won't.

So now I have to go and slap a stupid label on my shit just so that you can feel safe and stop poking me with your but-the-government stick.

The fact is, you're bitching at developers for not using licenses because you *can*. Unlike the real villain of this piece, OSS developers are small enough for you to bully.

tl;dr: "If you don't do this, massa might beat me, and that makes me mad at YOU!"

Comment Re:A real distinction, which they're bungling (Score 1) 331

Our enemies couldn't be sure that the press reports were right...

I hate that phrase.

You may feel you have enemies, but don't include me in your paranoid collectivist delusion. Whoever you think your enemies are, they aren't mine.

Lastly, to any thug in a costume who claims to be fighting on behalf of my freedom/safety/whatever: You're not. I didn't ask you to. Please stop being violent and evil in my name.

Comment Re:"lying ONLY 22 light-years from Earth"...! (Score 2) 203

That's true if you think the government's "space program" is the measure of human progress. That's what you get for pinning your hopes and dreams to a bureaucracy funded by money stolen from people at gun-point.

The private space industry, on the other hand, is growing and succeeding at quite an optimistic rate, relative to what most people though was possible 10-15 years ago.

Comment Woodrow Wilson still fucking us from the grave (Score 0) 230

He established the FTC in 1914 for "antitrust" purposes, and now these assholes are dictating web page design to google? Is there anything the government feels is outside of their absolute power to control?

These are the same guys that operate on the following logic:

* IF you are charging more than your competitors THEN guilty of price-gouging
* IF you are charging less than your competitors THEN guilty of predatory pricing
* IF you are charging the same as your competitors THEN guilty of price collusion

Can we all just succeed already and let the Federal monster die of starvation?


NSA Releases Secret Pre-History of Computers 167

An anonymous reader writes "The National Security Agency has declassified an eye-opening pre-history of computers used for code-breaking between the 1930s and 1960s. The 344 page report, entitled It Wasn't All Magic: The Early Struggle to Automate Cryptanalysis (pdf), it is available on the Government Attic web site. Government Attic has also just posted a somewhat less declassified NSA compendium from 1993: A Collection of Writings on Traffic Analysis. (pdf)"

Comment forget Islam; this is also about bloody tyranny (Score 1) 240

Everyone here needs to stop getting distracted by the religion-based parts of their statements and understand that while indiscriminate murder is wrong, these people have legitimate grievances having nothing to do with religion -- like the multi-century rape, enslavement, and occupation (both direct and in the form of aid to local dictators) of most of Africa and the Mid-East by western governments for centuries.

If I lived there, I'd probably be killing the U.N., too.

(Personal disclosure: I'm an atheist. I hate all religions, and find them all repugnant. But that's no excuse for not taking the time to research and comprehend the *full* situation here, including the actions and culpability of all involved parties.)

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