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Comment Re:They are burning down a city (Score 1, Funny) 203


So, the corruption you're worried about is something that you think will be fixed by trashing a liquor store? By looting and burning the local CVS? By burning down an almost completely senior center being built specifically to improve the local quality of life in that crappy neighborhood?

Yes, the democrats that have been running that city for decades have plenty to answer for in the way of imperfect services being rendered. But unless you think it's the city government's role to step in between two people and prevent pregnancy from occurring, or to follow thousands of kids around to make sure they actually bother to go to school, then what exactly is it you're proposing? Who is it that starts and populates violent local gangs? Who is it that kills the vast majority of those who die in that area, and scares those who aren't involved out of doing anything about it? Why is it that businesses don't see any point in risking their money to launch a venture in such a neighborhood - perhaps because they can't find employable local people to actually work there, and can't find a market for their goods and services in an area that's filled with abandoned buildings and fatherless kids running drug markets?

The problem isn't government corruption, the problem is in thinking that what amounts to a poisonous local culture is the government's area of responsibility. Those neighborhoods are crap because the people that live there can't keep their own kids under control long enough to turn them into viable members of human civilization. And those that do have the wherewithal to do so leave (along with whatever economic activity they might have represented) because the local culture is completely toxic to their kids' success.

Comment Re:Motive (Score 0, Offtopic) 203

There is a much more credible, obvious, proximate threat to life and property than there would be with some shadowy nonspecific radical-jihadist plot. Things were literally on fire, people.

A few thousand reduced-to-ashes New Yorkers might, if they were alive, argue with your dismissal of their deaths at the hands of radical jihaddis as being non-proximate, and shadowy. They are indeed quite literally dead. Multiple very non-shadowy attempts (some very successful) by the same and related groups to kill other people, in large numbers, have also happened since then.

Comment Re:How many gender professors to screw in light bu (Score 2, Insightful) 301

Well gender studies (back in my day it was called women's study) is in general I hate men, see how bad men are and how great woman are.
In general when I find people complaining how they are being treated unfairly, it is usually because they are not performing as well as the others.

Comment Re:Linus Wins (Score 1) 72

Microsoft had made software for Macs, and even Unix systems. I remember IE 4 for Solaris.
So yes Linus wins... But so what it isn't that big of a deal anymore. We are not as closely tied to our operating systems as we were 10 years ago.
Most of the stuff we needed apps for in the past are available via the web (are they trade offs yes, but this is the way it is) the actual app developers are getting wiser to multi-platform development. And are not touting they undying love affair with the OS. Microsoft cannot afford to be windows only,

Comment Re:Make me an offer (Score 2) 227

Many of these offers are for temporary positions. Where they want you to make this program and then you are out of work. Sometimes they are jobs for pie in the sky type of projects. "The killer app!" Without much understanding on the limited functionality of computing, or the practicality.
These jobs are career poison, and should be avoided.

Also these spam jobs are an attempt to try to pickup a low ball offer. Sr. Software Architect for 60k.

Comment Re:inventor? (Score 1) 480

Conglomerate steals credit & patents it

Which, of course, is BS and not at all how it actually happened. Which you know.

They guy who observed the mold's properties was terrible at communicating his thoughts about it, and had trouble getting help from chemists to stabilize the important stuff. TEN YEARS go buy, and other researchers get the work done. Then THEY travel to the US to find drug manufacturers that might be interested in taking on the complex task of mass production.

You know, pretty much the opposite of your troll list.

Comment Masstransit is more energy efficient than personal (Score 5, Insightful) 280

Nothing really too new. If you take the bus and the bus is full you are more efficient for the work being performed.
Most of the energy goes into moving the actual machine, only a small fraction goes into moving its content.

That is why the Train shipping companies advertise 1 gallon of fuel, for 500 miles per Ton of goods.

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