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Comment Re:New UI? (Score 1) 256

I don't know why people take my comment so badly. I dislike Australis, not Firefox.

I have been using nightly builds of Firefox for years, with some short breaks when an unwanted change was being introduced. Sometimes the change was discarded, other times I decided to embrace it. I got used to the new downloads panel, for example.

Up until now, I have been able to revert all the changes they made, where I didn't want them. A big example of this is they keyhole back/forward button. I keep the Home button in between back/forward and the addressbar, so that they don't merge. In contrast, I did like the stop/refresh being combined, and I was ok with them being put into the addressbar. I use F5 to refresh anyhow.

But above all, I value customization. That's why I use Firefox, and why I choose to use it instead of Chrome or IE11. I like to see things the way I want them, and they don't usually match the designer's choice. As I said, up until now, the changes were either positive, or they did not affect me enough to reject them. Australis is something else.

With Australis, they are removing customization, in favor of a more unified UI across all devices. This has two issues, in my eyes, which are both based on one simple fact: I have a very large monitor, at 2560x1440px. And it could still be bigger. I have enough space in my screen to hold a webpage, multiple addressbars, and in those, keep all the buttons I would ever use.

I don't want an UI optimized to reduce space. I don't want an UI that looks the same in my desktop and my tablet -- they are very different devices with very different purposes. I want to put things where I like them. And they are taking that away from me.

By my principle, I want to use the closest thing I can get to the Firefox I Used To Love. So yes, PaleMoon is my top alternative so far. And don't you dare talk about chickening while posting as AC.

Submission + - Anonimous Army supports ReactOS kickstarter campaign ( 1

jeditobe writes: Twitter account Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) with more than 1,190, 000 followers recently posted message with words of suuport for ReactOS and it's kickstarter campaign!

ReactOS provides clean environment that is clean from government or hackers trojans.

Submission + - ReactOS crafts to perfection with release 0.3.16 (

jeditobe writes: "The ReactOS Project is pleased to announce the release of version 0.3.16. A little under a year has passed since the previous release and a significant amount of progress has been made. More than 400 bugs were eliminated.

Some of the most significant include completion of the CSRSS rewrite and the first stages of a shell32 rewrite. 0.3.16 is in many ways a prelude to several new features that will provide a noticeable enhancement to user visible functionality.

A preview can be seen in the form of theme support, which while disabled by default can be turned on to demonstrate the Lautus theme developed by community member Maciej Janiszewki.

Another user visible change is a new network card driver for the RTL8139, allowing ReactOS to support newer versions of QEMU out of the box. Release images can be found in the usual spot here.

Several video demonstrations of popular software work were made — Office 2003, Photoshop CS2, OpenMPT."

Submission + - ReactOS 0.3.16 has been released ( 1

jeditobe writes: The ReactOS Project is pleased to announce the release of version 0.3.16. A little under a year has passed since the previous release and a significant amount of progress has been made. Some of the most significant include completion of the CSRSS rewrite and the first stages of a shell32 rewrite. 0.3.16 is in many ways a prelude to several new features that will provide a noticeable enhancement to user visible functionality. A preview can be seen in the form of theme support, which while disabled by default can be turned on to demonstrate the Lautus theme developed by community member Maciej Janiszewki. Another user visible change is a new network card driver for the RTL8139, allowing ReactOS to support newer versions of QEMU out of the box. Release images can be found in the usual spot here.

And for those of you that have not heard of it yet, the project is running a Kickstarter campaign in the form of the Thorium Cloud Desktop. If you want to help the project raise the funds to hire multiple full time developers and bring ReactOS to a state where it can be used for day to day activities, then please spread the word and put up a few bucks to back us.

Submission + - Gates returns to Windows 7 after being unable to install the Windows 8.1 upgrade 3

Artem Tashkinov writes: According to rumors Bill Gate's first day at his office in Redmond turned out to be a complete disaster mixed with ostensibly curse words no one had expected from him. He tried to install the Windows 8.1 upgrade but the updater failed continuously asking to reboot the PC. Microsoft's new C.E.O. Satya Nadella who came to help resolve the situation couldn't sort it out. In the end Gates said he would be returning to Windows 7 for the foreseeable future.

Submission + - Slashdot beta sucks 9

An anonymous reader writes: Maybe some of the slashdot team should start listening to its users, most of which hate the new user interface. Thanks for ruining something that wasn't broken.

Submission + - PCSX2 1.2 released (

gigaherz writes: The PCSX2 team has just released version 1.2 of the PlayStation 2 emulator:

It has been a year and a half since our first major release and as promised we decided PCSX2 has progressed enough for yet another stable release. Needless to say, we have been continuing our hard work since then to further improve the emulator, adding new features and fixing more bugs.

As I'm sure many of you have been following the SVN revisions and have noticed the changes we have made in this time and many of you even assisted in finding problems for us to fix, so a big thank you to all those who helped out!

One big change in this release is the integration of the wide screen patches made by the community for the community numbering nearly 1200 games patched to support proper 16:9 aspect ratio. A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed for this and keep up the great job. :)

More details in the news post.

Comment Re:Generic? (Score 1) 198

Intern... I18n is the process of making an application aware of different ways to display text (such as LTR vs. RTL), different number formats, different currency formats, etc. Since usually applications are designed for the formats used in the developers' culture, adding other cultures to an application means opening it up to other nations, thus the application becomes international. You are probably thinking of localization (l10n), which is the process of taking an internationalized application, and making it actually support a concrete culture (language, reading order, numeric formats, ....).

Comment Re:I'll vote for him (Score 4, Insightful) 177

... the start button has been in 8.1 since it was released some months ago. I'd prefer if he brought back also the start MENU, and Aero. My computer is not a tablet, it does not need features designed for touch-screen, or removed to "improve battery life", so I will not install an OS that treats it like one.

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