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Comment Re:The Children (Score 1) 51

How does this help the children? That's what RPi is all about, right?

It won't! And I'll tell you something, it's not just them... other charities like NSPCC and Save the Children, they run these 'shops' where they sell stuff that isn't for children either! Ridiculous!

Comment Re:What society really needs to do (Score 1) 518

Not sure what Birmingham has to do with anything, but I have lived in Leeds, Manchester and Bradford, if that helps whatever point you're trying to make.

I never said all, I said largely, and there are many reasons for this that go way beyond the "white people are just superior" air that you are giving off. You're the one who dumped racial statistics that weren't asked for or relevant.

Comment Re:What society really needs to do (Score 1) 518

I can't think of a single reason why anybody should be taking the test without being prepared.

Errr... because a test is a massively different psychological situation than normal driving? You haven't heard of people who are quite capable at a subject but dry-up during exams? You couldn't even think of that reason?

Comment Re:What society really needs to do (Score 3, Insightful) 518

I think the whites who live in Garretts Green will take their test in the exact same place as the ethnic majority who live there.

And largely higher wealth levels for whites give far more opportunity to learn, own cars, have longer / better driving instructors, etc. But you're hellbent on backing up your racism, so go nuts.

Comment Re:What society really needs to do (Score 1) 518

Fail the test three times, that's it. No more chances.

Apart from that being an arbitrary and selfish number (I would bet my life on you having passed your test in 3 or less), I hope you're willing to pay for the massive investment on improving public transport necessary to accommodate all these people inferior to you that don't learn as fast as you.

Comment Re:What society really needs to do (Score 2) 518

is that a comment on driving skills or prejudice of testers?

I don't know. It still seems to hold in cities which are predominantly black/Asian, eg. "Birmingham (Garretts Green)" where only 10% of candidates are labelled "White".

Worth mentioning that most ethnic minorities live in cities and are likely to take their test in cities, which is a much harder place to take a test than a rural / suburban situation that a good number of whites would test in.

Comment Re:So if you forget to lock your front door (Score 1) 246

Of course you can know. This guy knew. He was deliberately trying to find stuff that he knew wasn't supposed to be public. If you didn't know then that would be a defence, but I can't see that being the case here.

The law isn't technical absolute booleans, intent matters, and what the person is trying to do is part of it. What a reasonable person expects and would I don't see the photography thing as a crazy law, should you be allowed to pry into my house just because technically you can and there's no cast-iron technical way to say not to?

Comment Re:So if you forget to lock your front door (Score 2) 246

Step in your house, no. LOOK in your house from the curb, sure. If the doors are open it's a public place.

At the risk of propagating this analogy-hell, I'm pretty sure that if your door is open, your property is still not a public place.

In the UK for example, if you point a camera at a building with a normal lens, that is fine. If you point a camera at a window with a high-zoom, that is not. Intent matters!

Comment Re:Learning lessons from the failed Bell breakup (Score 1) 56

What should've happened instead was that the Bell system should've been broken up at the physical plant level. ILECs should've been left owning nothing more than the physical plant, selling access to it, at tariffed rates, to any CLEC that wants to provide voice or data service over the last mile.

Interestingly this is roughly what happened in the UK with voice and data telecoms. BT (as the previously nationalised monopoly) is left with all the infrastructure, and the services on top, but they have to run them as separate businesses. Other companies have the right to piggy back on the last mile, and install their network hardware in BT exchanges. It worked very well for the ADSL-era, though an argument can be made that BT have wrested a bit too much influence again now that we're moving to fibre. Heavily regulated private business *can* work...

Comment Re:Android is all maximized all the time (Score 1) 194

Let me know when Android can even put two windows on the screen.

2012 called and wants its ignorance back.

Alright there Mister Patronising... Not really Android is it though? When Android for vast majority of devices effectively means stock+tweaks+Google Play, solutions that are only for manufacturers to implement is a bit useless for the rest of us, isn't it?

Comment Re:And yet apple sells more tablets than anybody (Score 1) 487

We need to recognize that premium android might as well be a different OS than white label android. The apps will be different, the languages will be different, the monetization will be different, the fragmentation will be different.

What are you talking about? I have a white-box Chinese Android tablet. It came with Android 4.2, gmail, Play store, google maps, etc. All of the no-name (Aldi Branded / Walmart / etc) tablets I've seen are the same.

An easy way to tell when someone doesn't know what they fuck they're talking about is if they mention the word "fragmentation". As an Android developer I can say that I barely worry about different devices with different capabilities. For the large majority of apps it doesn't matter. Nearly all my bugs are because I've done something wrong, not because a particular device is doing something wrong.

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