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Comment Re:I smell a rat. (Score 4, Informative) 115

that is somewhat bullshit.

9 times out of 10, someone trying to crack your encryption is not going to be someone who is able to use that amount of leverage. Most likely they are going to subversively copy your data, or

As far as I am concerned, I don't need my encryption to completely uncrackable. If all encryption does is provide tamper evidence, and doesn't allow undetectable snooping I am OK.

Also, ability to crack encryption in an investigation/forced to decrypt for trial, is not the same as undetectable mass survailence. If all encryption does is force cops to go back to needing warrants and subopeanas, and due proccess, I think its done its job quite well.

Comment Re:Yeah, right. (Score 3, Insightful) 361

you don't understand how these people work, and how they think.

The concept of a scientific investigation as seen on CSI is a work of creative fiction, nothing more. The capablities of the US government to deter threats including profiling the target with the largest brush feasibly possible, then trying to fuck with the people who fall under whatever target they made up enough that they point fingers at someone else, and whoever has the most fingers in their dirrection looses.

Hypocrisy and the fact that they might be targeting their best chances to do what most people think they do is not relivant.

After they label people as "extremists", they then use excedingly long jail sentances, other threats, and attempts to ruin their social lives, and a split from mainstream society as leverage to get these people to work for the NSA or other government or capitalist agencies.

They can then denounce everyone not explicitly helping them as terrorists.

The fact that most nerds, anyways still say "fuck the system" is a tribute to moral character, more absolute ideas of freedom, and knowledge of history that isn't dependant on the 2 year TV news election cycle, is a tribute to the moral fiber of the computer enthusiast, something that mainstream society lacks.

Comment Re:Rangefinder handy for more than camera focusing (Score 1) 198

very acurate actually.

There are all kinds of LRFs on the market, and tanks and other military equipment use them.

Comment Re:Water is wet (Score 1) 284

>Here are some more interesting facts. The majority of tax payers who fund government spondored cancer research cannot afford the drugs their tax dollars helped produce.

Along with the scientists, technicians, and even plant workers loading palets. Agree 100% Do you know why? Because exists a system that is set up to make men at the top of the large corporations money. Not just that, it dehumanizes, and even strips the achievements from the people who actually did the work behind the vaccine.

Science is not done *because* of capitalism. Science is owned by capitalism because capitalism used leverage to create a monopoly on science.

Bill Gates is not a hero. The reason the rest of us can't afford cancer drugs is because capitalism deprives us of the right to have them. Same thing with the malaria drugs. No amount of charity will change that.

Comment Re:Yep. (Score 1) 649

>I'm curious as to what "private dictatorship" means here

capitalism. The perpetual ownership of public and non-manufactured goods such as private property.

Someone gets to force kids to learn something. Far be it to suggest children are human beings, and have rights seperate from their parents.

I've come to the conclusion that letting parents indoctrinate or brainwash children based on either faith, dogma, or their own personal failings is just as bad as the state doing it.

Children are humans, and they have the right to accept or reject society on their own terms.

Comment Re:Yep. (Score 2, Informative) 649

what I've learned, is the state will abuse its power regardless. teaching creationism or its obviously inspired brother intellegent design, is nothing more than brainwashing of the first degree.

So your really arguing private dictatorship vs public dictatorship. In this case it boils down to harm reduction and the lesser of two evils.

Comment Re:compromised log-in credentials (Score 1) 34

because you don't have bona fide FBI agents do the dirty work. Just in case things go south, and someone needs to take the blame having an outside team really helps.

You also need a bad guy, because the FBI's funding is controlled by congress, and often debated by the public. Creating a need for enforcement and scaring the shits out of people is a great way to do that.

It also came out that the FBI was doing most of the work in so many "terrorist" cases they busted. In fact, most of the terrorists had to be either talked, threatened or bribed into comitting terrorism, so they FBI could have a dog and pony show.

The FBI has admitted they don't have the skills or resources to go after the real bad guys. So they make something up to present to congress.

If you think the "war on terror" is bad. The drug war is far larger, far more peverse, and far less talked about in its scope.

Comment Re:Water is wet (Score 1) 284

scientists in general do not work to seek a profit. If they did, they wouldn't be scientists. Science is one of the fields with the worst "money you pay for college", with "money you get in job/how hard you work/ability to find work" ratios in existance.

If scientists cared even the slightest about profits, you wouldn't see science done at all.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

Most companies do not hire the person who performs the technical work the best, but the person they think will work the best on a team, a "personality fit" with the company. They take this far more serious than job qualifications.

Most libertarian/conservative theories on wage, hiring, and corporate politics, fall apart when compared against technical and strategic advice seen on hiring websites, trying to get people a job. Personality gets you the job more than raw skills.

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