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Comment Re:It's a shame homophobephobes won't see it (Score 1) 732

Well, one inconsequential writer helped to ban "gay marriage" in California. He also helped direct a whole lot of other anti-homosexual activities in other states from his position in an an anti-gay advocacy group.

The fact that you want to minimize the guy and his beliefs does not mean they are, in fact, minimal.

Comment Re:It's a shame homophobephobes won't see it (Score 1) 732

The only point I was making was that Card is free to practice his beliefs

If that was all he was doing, that would be fine. But it Card is doing much more than that.

Card is trying to get laws passed so that every single one of us has to practice Card's beliefs regarding homosexuality, instead of our own beliefs on the subject.

Comment Re:It's a shame homophobephobes won't see it (Score 2, Insightful) 732

Except that Christ also taught his followers to let God deal with the sinners. Card and his fellow travelers insist on attacking sinners themselves.

There's also the little problem that Christ also never said homosexuality was a sin. Only comments on that subject in the New Testiment come from one of his apostles.

Comment Re:More Courts (Score 1) 599

I think this case needs to be appealed in the federal courts.

That would be because you haven't read the article or bothered following the story.

He was asked for the passwords before he was fired. He was being transferred, because he refused multiple valid requests for service. He did not want to be transferred. So he tried to sabotage replacing him. He was fired for that sabotage.

Worse yet what kind of idiots are in charge of this company?

"This company" is the city of San Francisco.

What if the man had stroked out and died suddenly?

Well, if Childs had followed city policy, then it wouldn't have been a problem. Childs was not following policy, in order to extort the city into not transferring him.

Comment Re:one more thing.. (Score 1) 435

So your plan is to go from the place where you actually have some protection from the NSA (they have to steal your data from foreign locations) and instead move all your data to foreign locations where the NSA doesn't have that pesky step.

Excellent plan. I eagerly await your plan to destroy McDonalds by eating there regularly.

Comment Re:Evolutionary pressure to not sleep? (Score 3, Interesting) 210

There's advantages and disadvantages to every evolutionary option. It's not clear that not sleeping is a very large advantage.

Sure, it means being active for an additional 8 hours a day. But being active also means needing more food. Being active all night in a time before artificial light means more injuries. It also means missing out on the social effects of sleeping - "sleeping together", even without sex, reinforces relationships.

Comment Re:Yeah, right ... (Score 1) 734

You aren't putting up terribly high barriers. For example:

If we take away his computers, ipad, ipod, cellphone, etc... He finds them in the middle of the night

This is easily solved.

Option 1: Take the devices to work. Leave them there.

Option 2: Get a framing hammer. Forcefully apply it to his favorite device. Repeat as necessary.

Comment Re:This (Score 1) 734

Well from what I understand the way to deal with bullies is to actually fight them.

You're wrong.

In all sorts of little fairy tales, fighting the bully makes the bully immediately run away, and things are all wonderful from that point on.

In reality, the bully goes and gets a few friends, and the real beating begins.

Comment (Score 1) 501

The reason for the mandate is cost sharing. Also known as the basics of insurance. When you pay for homeowners insurance and your house doesn't burn down, your premiums go to your neighbors whose house did burn down. Same idea with health insurance. Treatment for the sick is paid by the healthy. And this is the case whether you're talking about single-payer systems or private health insurance.

Let's pretend there's no mandate. You're young and healthy. Why buy health insurance? It's very unlikely that you will be hit by a bus, and you don't have any chronic conditions that require treatment. If you get unlucky and get hit by a bus, you can buy insurance then. Because there's no "pre-existing conditions" anymore, so you can't be denied.

Result? No healthy people in the insurance pool. Which means no cost sharing. So insurance gets expensive. So people in "OK" health stop buying it because it's no longer a good price for what they receive. So insurance gets even more expensive. So people in "moderate" health stop buying it. So insurance gets even more expensive. And so on until there isn't insurance anymore.

The technical term for this is "adverse selection".

The mandate keeps the healthy in the insurance pool to keep the individual costs down. Works just like in single-payer countries, except their mandate is called "Taxes".

Comment Re:We need more cops like that (Score 1) 1440

You've provided several examples of the danger while texting in motion. Perhaps you could actually provide a relevant example - when a vehicle that is stopped nearly killed someone because the driver was texting.

Because what this cop is doing is encouraging people to text while their car is moving - it's much harder to catch than when they're stopped.

Comment Re:How could evolution work? (Score 1) 1293

You don't necessarily have to have identical chromosomal structure to breed.

For example, there's a whole lot of children born every year where one of their parent's chromosomes is radically different from their other parent's. We call these parents "men". Their Y chromosome does not pair with any other chromosome, and they only have a single X chromosome.

Yet they still successfully breed with creatures that have 23 matched pairs. Not only that, but roughly 50% of the resulting offspring have the same chromosomal miss-pairing.

Comment Re:Shift (Score 1) 380

We've been using hydro electric power for years. It's safe, efficient, and has minimal enviornmental impact.

There's two problems.

First, we've already installed dams on the "good" rivers for hydro power. We can't add much more hydro capacity.

Second, creating a lake is not "minimal environmental impact".

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