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Comment Or... (Score 1) 53

Put liability for any civilian deaths onto the manufacturer.
The manufacturer won't want that, so fully autonomous killing won't be an available option, and there will always be a person in the loop to 'pull the trigger'.

Or it'll be the military who manufactures the minor add-on that upgrades it to fully autonomous and the liability will then be on the military for any civilian deaths, and they will just invoke sovereign immunity.

A country that is being invaded will turn on the fully autonomous mode because they won't give a shit about the ICC when their very existence is at stake.

Comment Re:"giving away free money is expensive" (Score 4, Insightful) 497

There's no NEW money.
Almost all the existing benefits are cancelled.
The ordinary worker and the rich will have the UBI taxed away again.
Some savings will be made in not having to employ lots of people to decide who deserves what benefits.

The people that it's intended to help are already receiving a bunch of benefits in one form or another with various strings attached. This just removes the strings and paperwork and just gives them a weekly amount to spend however they like.

People seem to be imagining that UBI will be enough to support a middle class lifestyle without working. It's not. It's enough to have a bed for the night, food and clothing. Enough that people aren't sleeping on the streets, starving or freezing to death, which is what any decent society would be trying to prevent in any case.

Comment Re: It's arguably a public service what they're do (Score 1) 79

And things that shouldn't be a crime at all?

What Rosa Parks did was a crime, but it shouldn't have been a crime at all.

The anti-copyright people are trying hard to bring the copyright laws back to reasonable levels, but they have a hard fight because the pro-copyright people have made lots of money off prolonging copyright protection.

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