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Comment Re:But (Score 2) 320

What natural resources does Quebec have other than huge open pit asbestos (shipped to third world countries so poor people can use it without being made aware of the health risks) and gold mines that are never reclaimed like they do in the oil sands. Quebec just passed a 5 year moratorium on fracking and drilling so what are these natural resources you speak of? And if Quebec was so financially beneficial to the rest of Canada why don't they pay Alberta equalization payments? And how come Quebec has three times the senators as Alberta? Quebec doesn't have three times to population of Alberta.

Comment Bull (Score 4, Insightful) 1010

Win 8 isn't killing PC sales. Tablets and the fact that most people use their computers for internet and email means you don't have to upgrade your computer every couple years. I still use 6-7 year old computers for everyday use if I need a new one I can go buy one for 3-4 hundred. I don't even use windows so for me and most of my friends and relatives the new computer doesn't even get to boot windows for the first time.

Comment Re:SHOTGUN! (Score 1) 1121,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d.cGE&fp=d05afac0920070b6&biw=1390&bih=672r
I could post links for you all day but it would be pointless you love Islam because it lets you be a terrorist and get away with it because people are to scared to stand up to terrorists of the false prophet Muhammad. Your above post is exactly what your Muhammad stands for, way to represent he must be proud.

Comment Re:Both opinions are true (Score 1) 512

Maybe the door is always open but it's not always possible to go back to school at 32 to train for a new job while supporting a wife and 3 kids mortgage and other payments. Just because a company lobbies the government to get some cheap foreign labour by claiming no one wants to work. In 2008 I made 75K in 2009 I made 36K and I was told I was lucky to have a job because Pedro would do the job for 30K. The thing is Pedro gets all kind of incentives and tax breaks from the government so he can work for 30K because he get free medical and dental and $300/ea in child tax benefit for his several kids.

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