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Comment Re:Screw the feedback loop (Score 1) 291

Different part of the world but I get your point. I personally believe food animals and fish should be grown in more northern climates. Colder temperatures mean less parasites and sickness and firmer better marbled meat in my opinion (mind you it does suck to live up here). I live on the edge of the boreal forest, lots of steep hills and sloughs between fields and a short but very rapid growing season. Without cows the bush grows in very dense and thorny, cows are really the only animal that can clean the bush of scrub (mainly by trampling) and leave the nice larger trees alone. The vegetation around here basically can't be killed out unless you overgraze but typically people put about 30 cows per quarter section. And after the cows clean up you can put horses on the land but they don't really have food value around here so kind of off topic.

Comment Re:Hairy Reed - Gas Producer (Score 1) 324

We are talking about the emission of CO2, it is bad for global warming the alarmists say, yet the alarmists (like Al Gore and other climate advocates and alleged scientists and policy makers) emit more CO2 than the people they claim need to be punished for emitting CO2. That is the problem and why people suspecting them of lying to line their own pockets.

Comment Re:Not at all (Score 1) 206

High fuel prices decrease fuel consumption for poor people, rich people don't care they drive the most inefficient vehicles.
Never mind the private jets and yachts but they are important they need those thing. Or cargo ships being exempt from fuel tax, take away the free trade agreements and tax exemptions and shipping stuff from China in not profitable anymore. "Just 15 of the world's biggest ships may now emit as much pollution as all the world's 760m cars." Whats the real problem? Cars or ships? Also ships are exempt from low sulfur fuel regulation. There are 90,000 cargo ships in the world.

Comment Re:more pseudo science (Score 1) 869

Peer review means getting your buddy or sometime yourself to look at something and agree with you.
Or you could google peer review fraud.

Comment Re:more pseudo science (Score 1) 869

What if, after the debate, Ken Ham had walked to the parking lot of his museum and discovered that the driver-side front fender of his car was damaged, with debris from his front driver-side headlight strewn on the ground? He would no doubt conclude that someone hit his car while he was parked there. But not so fast, Mr. Ham. Let's apply your own standards of evidence: You don't know. You weren't there.
Did the damage to the fender happen billions of years ago with no human living today being a witness? Never mind that with cctv everywhere there would most likely be direct evidence.
And global warming is not tethered to facts but beliefs and faith.

Comment Re:where is the controversy? (Score 1) 642

Two unclean animals and seven clean animals. You are trying to misinform. And if you want to go full nut case you could even take dinosaurs and lizards etc on the ARK in the form of eggs thereby saving a shit-ton of space. Eggs don't usually eat each other. And gopher-wood is not made of gophers.

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