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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 117

the problem is that you can't magically make a web app look metro-y on windows 8 and ios-y on ios using THE SAME CODE BASE.

by the time you do the relevant coding to polish it up well enough you might as well do a native app.

write-once, run-anywhere is the biggest load of bullshit to ever appear in computing.
it's a sham, it's a joke, it's a lie, it's a hoax, it's a scam, and anyone who pushes for it should be ashamed of themselves for basically *LYING* to whoever's paying them.

Comment Re:Misleading (Score 2) 137

But if you cap profit margins as a fixed % how will they increase net profits?


Charge more for the same service (or lack thereof).
It's basic math...15% of 20 billion is *DOUBLE* 15% of 10 billion.

They'll have to pass along more to doctors but they'll still get to tell Wall Street their profits went up (yet again).

Comment Re:News for nerds?? (Score 1) 290

Really? You're going to go there?

The problem is, individuals aren't able to decide how to spend money on health care so would you rather have the government deciding on your behalf or an insurance company (keeping in mind an insurance company makes more money by finding ways to screw you)?

And with government run healthcare the excuse for screwing you changes from "making money" to "keeping the budget deficit down". Either way you're still screwed.

Comment Re:News for nerds?? (Score 1) 290

Actually, it's even worse than mere corruption. If Congress nationalized healthcare tomorrow, they'd create some huge new federal agency to run it (in all likelihood). Where would this agency get the "trained" people to function?

That's right...from the now-defunct health insurance companies.
The people currently denying healthcare to average Americans would STILL be doing so.

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