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Comment Re:my daughter (Score 3, Insightful) 280

I find it irritating when people fall for WhatsApp's propaganda that they are a "free" SMS replacement. They're not! You need an internet connection to use it just like any other internet messaging application. Newsflash; you pay a subscription fee for internet connections. And mobile internet connections come with quotas.

Granted, if you already pay for a mobile internet connection, IM will nearly always be cheaper than SMS. But that, too, goes for any IM app.

PS: I'm waiting for Kontalk to become usable before recommending it as the alternative to WhatsApp.

Comment Re:No end in site. (Score 1) 188

No, you are wrong. As I was talking about the iPhone (which has had 330 ppi ever since 2010), I am completely right. You suddenly include a completely different subject and then claim I was wrong. Way to go!

That chart doesn't really mean anything either, not in the least because we're talking about the low end of the spectrum here, which is near the base of that chart where it gets fuzzy. But let's have a look at something a bit more scientific, shall we.

Comment Re:No end in site. (Score 1) 188

Well it's what happened with the old 3.5 inch screens, with the awkward 3:2 aspect ratio. Don't forget that the iPhone 5 (with the 4" screen) was not released until march 2013.

This time it's the screen resolution... Apple has always bragged about their high resolution retina displays, and now that they're lacking in that department, all of a sudden high resolution is a bad thing and Apple's retina are the "perfect resolution".

Comment Re:Silly, but it is their right... (Score 1) 281

But from the perspective of ethics and morality, there is no difference — both are about equally reprehensible.

That's a moralistic fallacy. You could argue that, morally, there is no difference between murder and fraud, and not be wrong. Morality is subjective and my morals are different from yours.

Comment Re:Silly, but it is their right... (Score 1) 281

Exactly. No difference whatsoever.

So when a friend lends me a DVD and I copy it, who did I stole from? From my friend, the DVD vendor, the producer, the artists, the factory where the DVD's was produced? Because as far as I understand, the friend still gets to keep his original, unchanged DVD. So the one who whines that he was robbed was actually robbed?

Completely and utterly ridiculous. It's a copyright violation, sure, but theft of actual property? I had no clue that people exist outside Big Media that still believe that lie.

Comment Re:Distributed security HEIST? (Score 1) 346

That nobody accepts it does not mean it's not as real. Most merchants in the US also don't accept Japanese Yens, for that matter.

I was arguing that paper money (or virtual money stored in a bank) does not have any inherent value, which is also the case with Bitcoin. It all merely "works" because everybody accepts it.

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