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Comment Re:Don't really understand. (Score 1) 84

But once your payment has been processed and you walk out of the store with phone in hand, it's no longer "their" phone; it's "your" phone.

Not if you want to keep your manufacturer's warranty. If you don't care about it, then sure, you are free to do whatever you want with it.
And it includes rooting and flashing custom ROMs, something that is easy to do on Samsung and Oppo phones without using exploits.

Comment Re:This is why we can't have nice things (Score 4, Insightful) 843

Can you please stop with this $xxx can end world hunger nonsense ?
First of all, people don't eat money. So if there are 10 people and food for 9, you can give as much money as you want and it won't change the fact that one of them won't eat.
Ok, so let's be a little smarter and use this money to better manage our agriculture. Now we have enough rations for everyone. World hunger ended... or is it ?
Not yet, because we also have to prevent local chieftains from diverting this food supply and use it to assert their power. Basically, it means some kind of a police force is needed to make sure food really goes to who is hungry. Now we have food going to people in need. Word hunger ends... for now.
Because, you see, in third world countries, birth rate is sky high, balanced by high mortality. Lower the mortality rate and you get exponential growth, which mean more demand for food, making the "food for everyone" program harder to maintain. So we need to either hope for a rapid transition or use drastic measures like China did with the one child policy.

As for war, it may be the most effective way to limit world hunger : war kills and dead people don't need to eat. A nightmarish reasoning that is hopefully flawed but I think not more so than your pipe dream.

Comment Re:Damn you Uber (Score 1) 230

In France cities use taxis as a form of a tax. A taxi license in Paris costs 240 000 Euro

A new taxi license in France is free. 240 000 Euro is what taxi drivers pay to other taxi drivers in exchange for a transfer. The cities don't benefits from these. The state benefits a little because the transaction is taxed but that's about it.

Comment Re:rename it "placebopathy" (Score 1) 668

Don't know about US law but here, when something is sold as medicine, it must be tested for side effects and the benefit/risk ratio analyzed.
Homeopathy gets away with it because it has no harmful side effect (in fact no effect at all). If it did have an effect, it would have been much harder to pass the regulations.

Comment Re:How the fuck is it "hijacking"? (Score 4, Insightful) 80

Firefox may be open source software but the name "Firefox" and the logo are not.
So you can freely change and redistribute Firefox but if you want to call it Firefox, you need Mozilla's permission. Only if you decide to call it something else, like "Iceweasel", you are free to do whatever you want as long as you respect the copyleft.

Comment Re:Most influential individual economic force... (Score 2) 323

If you craft your definition of "most influential individual economic force" carefully, then yes, Linus can qualify.
But consider that without Richard Stallman and the GPL, linux wouldn't have been what it is now.
And to stay in the tech world, how about Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.
And political figures like Vladimir Putin.
Or maybe Osama bin Laden, just look at how much has changed since 9/11.
But even though it was in 1983 so that it doesn't qualify, Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov was perhaps the most influential man in the history of mankind. By correctly identifying a false alarm, he may very well have prevented an all out nuclear war.

Comment Re:Can I swap the d-pad & left joysticks? (Score 1) 99

Apparently, the 0F point was selected because it was the temperature of a harsh winter in Fahrenheit's town, formalized as the freezing temperature of some ammonium chloride solution. In other words, it means nothing practical for most people.
32F is freezing water temperature, OK, why not, but I find zero more convenient.
100F is horse blood temperature, probably the only thing that makes sense. IMHO, human blood would have been better but that's a decent high point. The trouble is that it is harder to experimentally measure than boiling water.

So I agree that in a preindustrial environment 100F may be more convenient than 100C but setting the zero point at freezing water temperature makes much more sense to me.

Comment The most cross-platform is C (Score 2) 173

Seriously, if you want to write something that works in any platform, write it in C, C++ is a second but still valid choice.
When people design a platform, one of the first thing they do make it run code written in C. It is also the language of choice for everything UNIX : Linux, BSD, GNU, etc... It is well standardized too : sure, it is easy to shoot yourself in the foot but if you code properly, it should work on any platform. And as an added bonus, good C code is also valid C++ and ObjC.

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