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Comment "Please don't throw me in the briar patch!" (Score 5, Insightful) 152

This is supposed to motivate me to upgrade? Right now, on the rare occasion I use Google,* I have JavaScript completely disabled to make Google (search, image search, and news) actually work the way I want it to in my browser. If they're going to help with this by serving me their older---read "cleaner, simpler, faster"---search page, I say, thanks, Google!

* Google alternative. They use the Google index but don't track their users.

Comment Re:Right ... (Score 1) 175

That's what these large corporations all do.

Look at Google, grandstanding about moving things to HTTPS a few months ago, making things harder for the NSA, and so on, and yet at the same time they are now proactively scanning people's data for illegal activity and then handing it over to the government. Microsoft is doing the same thing.

What makes you think Yahoo will do anything different? The whole plan here is probably to get uninformed users to hand over their PGP keys so they can store them.

Comment "Highly concentrated life zone" (Score 0) 184

If you read the article, it explains this "dead zone" is actually full of algae---in other words, it probably has more life in it than the entire surrounding area (in terms of number of organisms, concentration of organisms, total biomass, and so on). Maybe this is a good thing, maybe it's bad, maybe it's entirely indifferent, but it is not a "dead zone."

But of course if we described the zone honestly, we wouldn't be able to use it as environmentalist propaganda, now could we?

Comment Torrents on TPB (Score 1) 321

Time for a good ol' streisand effect. Lookee here:---

Pirate Bay #1
Pirate Bay #2 (720p)
Pirate Bay #3 (640x360)

Personally I always thought this movie was just racist/Islamophobic dreck, but now with the government finally finding a convenient excuse to censor it, I'm downloading all three of these copies and will be seeding them indefinitely once downloaded.

Comment Yes, the dollar is so much better (Score 2) 695

"Maybe the U.S. Dollar isn't so bad after all."

Because the regulated financial institutions that deal in U.S. dollars are so much more trustworthy. Perhaps I should keep my money with these guys. Or this company. Or them perhaps? This guy looks trustworthy, doesn't he?

Here is what government-backed currency banks, lenders, investment firms, and the like have been up to recently. And here is what they're up to now.

Comment Car radios (Score 1) 226

People get into accidents all the time because they were messing with their radio when they should have had their eyes on the road. So why don't we ban car radios?

And if that seems absurd, why are we talking about banning things like texting, cell phone use, or Google Glass while driving?

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The 11 is for people with the pride of a 10 and the pocketbook of an 8. -- R.B. Greenberg [referring to PDPs?]
