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Comment Re:Government would've jumped on them (Score 1) 85

OS/2 failed because:

It was more expensive.
It had higher hardware requirements.
It wasn't as compatible with existing software especially with DOS games.
It wasn't as compatible with 3rd party hardware.

I don't think the advertising had much to do with it at all.

"Apple does the same thing with their products they are trying to push."

um... maybe sometimes... but many signature apple commercials and ads do not show the product:

You might remember a few years of these?

Or maybe these ipod commercials? from 2004 to 2008

Oh that's all ancient history. You meant something recent right?

Like 2015. Look at how easy it is to use, and all the new features:

I'd say reality doesn't really sync up with your argument here.

Comment Re:WWJD? (Score 1) 1168

Not the person you are responding to. And a I agree wholeheartedly with your post. But the situation is a little more nuanced than that.

Lets say a restaurant hangs a sign "No gays allowed". I think that's discrimination that should be illegal.

But lets say it were a band. It would think it absurd for the band to try to deny sales of its records to gay people. But suppose a gay-pride parade wants them to play the event. Should they be legally obligated to accept the booking and play the event if they don't want to if their schedule allows it? That strikes me as quite wrong.

Similiarly a bakery with a sign next to the counter that says "No gays allowed" and refuses to sell a gay person a cookie or muffin would be absurd, and should be illegal.

But if a gay couple approaches the bakery owner and says we want you to provide a cake as the centerpiece for the ritual cutting of the wedding cake tradition ... and please customize it for this event just-so. Should they be legally obligated to do that too? Its no longer just a cake picked up out of the window; its a specific cake for a specific event, made to order for that event.

There seems to me to be a grey line between the band example, which I think is entirely acceptable. And the restaurant example which I think is entirely unacceptable.

The bakery wedding cake scenario is between them, and I really can't decide if I think they should be obligated to provide their service or not. I'm leaning towards not, to be completely honest.

Because if we do compel them to provide a cake for that... should they be obligated to provide a custom cake for a Ted Cruz's or Hillary Clinton campaign event? Should they be obligated to provide a custom cake for a KKK event? Should they be LEGALLY obligated to provide a custom cake for a religious event? Perhaps a big-tent-revival-festival-megachurch that they disagree with ... are they legally obligated to pvovide custom made cakes just for that event.

(And if the Satanist's or Atheist's come knocking next week do they have to provide custom or "Long live Satan" or "Fairtytale Jesus" cakes? Surely one can say no?)

Comment Re:Advantage is in immediacy (Score 1) 55

You can also get a little more selling to other companies that will give you cash for older phones. But not much more, and it takes a little longer than simply getting credit for Apple when your goal is to buy something new from Apple anyway...

Therefore Apple has managed to give a discount to people who were ALREADY going to buy apple products?

So the point of the program is what? To make less money?

Comment Re:stupidly weak (Score 1) 267

You are looking at it wrong.

No. I'm not. You disagreed with me, and then made exactly the same argument I did. I even agreed that 6 word passwords was equal to roughly 16 characters. So what are you arguing with me for? Reread my post.

Even at the minimum length of 27 chars, you are looking at a maximum combination of 1.7190708e+27. Where you to just use a-zA-Z0-9~!@#$%^&*()_+ you could have the same level of brute force complexity with 15 chars.

I know that. The advantage of a 6 word password over shit like this:a-zA-Z0-9~!@#$ is that you can actually easily remember it; and most of us can type it faster too despite the longer length.

You are wasting a pretty substantial portion of value for each character you need to type by using a word list like this.

Are we that tight on RAM or something? Its easier to remember and faster to type and just as secure. Who cares if its extra 16 bytes?

Comment Re:Hack for a shitty law (Score 2) 124

If you are not being paid to be a journalist or paying someone to be a journalist then you are not a journalist, and warrants are not required, under this law. A subtle and deliberate difference.

If you are collecting ad revenue from your blog, that's good enough to make a hobbyiest a "commercial drone operator" subject to FAA regulations in the USA. Maybe that'll work for "journalists" in Australia.

Comment Re:Advert for Razer? (Score 1) 199

Sounds you got a mouse that defaulted to "left-hand mode." I bought a Razer "left-handed" mouse which was pretty much identical to the right-handed version, but with different button-mapping defaults.

I'm trying to parse your message but can't.

My mouse (DeathAdder Left Handed) by default is a perfect mirror image of the RH one. And that's the problem; its fine ergnomically; but the button physically on the left side, by default registers as the Right Mouse Button and the one physically on the right side registers as the Left mouse button ... which I find to be patently idiotic. I can (and do) switch them in the Razor software, but their are times I want to use the mouse without the Razer software (bios, safemode, tempoarily with a laptop etc and its a PITA.

If lefties really are evenly split on which button should be which I'd suggest either the mouse be configurable at the mouse firmware level on that setting so that its "built into the mouse", or that it have a physical little switch on the bottom to set it one way or the other.

But I suspect most lefties are like me, and expect the button physically on the left of any mouse they use to BE the left mouse button; and the right to BE the right button.

What razor mouse did you buy? And how were the button mapping defaults "different"? How was yours different from mine?

Comment Re:Symmetric mouse (Score 1) 199

Of course a game can do anything it wants with multiple input devices.

Right, of course. But

a) no game actually does support it directly that I've ever seen.

b) i doubt any game engines have support for it so you'd be working outside the engine which is usually a PITA; if you are using the engine to provide all your other input primatives and events and would make developing support for it at the game title level highly unlikely.

Comment Re:stupidly weak (Score 1) 267

1 letter vs 1 word is not practically the same thing. There are 26 letters 10000 words in the average dictionary for this purpose.

a 6 word passphrase chosen randomly from a 10k word dictionary; is essentially choosing 6 letters at random from a 10,000 letter alphabet.

6 random dictionary words, spelled correctly, single space between them, is as secure as selecting 16 letters randomly. (10^24 possibilities) about 80 bits that's pretty reasonable.

And much easier to remember.

And its actually several orders of magnitude more secure than that if your attacker doesn't know your password generation method; which in most cases they don't.

Comment Re:Symmetric mouse (Score 1) 199

Don't think its possible; I don't think windows or any other OS actually supports multiple mice having independently operatable cursors. At least I've never seen it.

On systems with mutiple mice -- eg. laptop trackpad + external mouse they always control the same cursor.

Comment Re:Advert for Razer? (Score 1) 199

Sure, if this is for reals I'll bite.

I went through three copperheads over a couple year period, now discontinued; the buttons gave out. Instead of a crisp click that worked anywhere on the button, it got 'soft' and unreliable. Old product, old news, hope you got whatever the issue was sorted on new units. I haven't had trouble with my current death adder.

I use a deathadder LH ergo now.

But as it is now, its still on your site if you search for it, but its not easy to find. If its not selling well, that might be part of it :(. It also doesn't look like you've made the successor the death adder chroma available in LH form factor. Too that's a shame; I'd buy one.

Beyond that: feedback:

Quite like it. Comfortable; but wish it had a a couple more usable buttons.

Only one of the 2 thumb buttons is really usable. I hold the mouse too far back to be able to reach the forward thumb button. I wonder if that's a common complaint?

And I'd LOVE to see the market research / focus group data etc that led you to have it default to the right mouse button being the "left click" *button 1"!!!

As someone who grew up in a world of universal and RH ergo mice, the left mouse button has always been the Left mouse click "button 1"...on every mouse ive ever laid a hand on; it seems absurd to me that any mouse would ship with them reversed by default; even on for LH users.

Sure I can swap them in the software, but its still annoying; since they'll be wrong in BIOS/UEFI, or if boot to safe mode, or with linux live CD, etc... maybe I'm the oddball who uses mouse left handed, who wants the left button on the mouse to be the left button click event but I truly find it hard to believe.

If the deathadder LH is on its way out that's a shame. I'd definitely be interested in an LH mamba or LH deathadder chroma than the Naga; I might try a Naga LH; but I can't imagine needing or wanting the thumbnumber pad. Maybe its one of those things you love once you try... but I haven't taken the plunge... and its bit much $$$ to just order online to find out. And I've never seen one open in store to play with.

Comment Re:Symmetric mouse (Score 1) 199

On the other hand as a left handed person; right hand ergo mice are useless; and its frustrating to see the majority of high end stuff is right hand ergo.

And any desk that's used by multiple random people should have a universal mouse because while you might whine about using a universal mouse imagine how annoying it would be to sit down at a desk with a LH ergo one!! That's what I deal with all the time with ergo right mice.

For gaming at my own desk, I'd buy near the top end if they made them but they don't. They are all RH ergo. I'm generally forced to buy lower tier stuff that available in universal form factors.

Razer makes a couple LH ergo units though, and I'm actually using their DeathAdder now myself as my preferred mouse; but again more because its slim pickings than because i think its the best mouse on the market. It might well be the best LH ergo mouse on the market though; and I am pretty happy with it.

Logitech used to make one MX 610 left handed but it was really far down the line as far as quality and it was nearly junk as a gaming mouse. (fucking thing had alert LEDs for im and email... yeah. they made exactly one LH ergo mouse ever and its pathetic crap like that.)

I realize LH ergo is going to be at most 10% of a niche - a niche within a niche; but I'm still surprised at the near total dearth of decent LH ergo options.

I'm also surprised at the tendency for LH ergo mice to have the Right and Left mouse button flipped by default. How many LH people actually swap the mouse buttons?? I spend enough time using random and shared computers that the left mouse button is the left mouse button and I click it with my middle finger.

When I use my LH ergo mouse at home, I don't want the everything backwards, I want the left mouse button to be the left mouse button and the right to be the right. Do the majority of lefties really swap the buttons? Unfathomable to me.

Comment Re:Hopefully logic and reason will win this time (Score 1) 166

Imagine a show where, at the end, the weird supernatural was always explained by rationality. That's a show I'd like to watch, and it would be educational, too!.

Castle is more or less that; although the show as a whole is not really to be taken seriously either so I'm not sure I'd call it educational... but at least it knows its not a serious show and doesn't take itself too seriously either.

Unlike, say CSI which gradually turned from a fairly neat sherlock holms-ey style science based detective show at the very beginning to a really unwatchably bad soap opera with unbelievably bad science that took itself so seriously that the unbelievably bad science and general overall absurdity just couldn't be overlooked or forgiven.

Comment Re:Are the CAs that do this revoked? (Score 1) 139

The cert is as secure as the cryptography and implementation.

The point however, is that, as implemented, if you trust verisign as a root CA for any domain; then you trust verisign as a possible root CA for ALL domains.

Including your own private domain, the one you signed yourself, and installed your own certificates for.

The trust is up to you, not some web of "authorities".

But you and I when presented with a self-signed certificate on the world wide web are not generally in a position to have any information at all whatsoever whether to trust it or not.

The web of authorities may be broken and unreliable in edge cases; but taking them out the equation and saying "the trust is up to me" is meaningless ... if I browse to how am I supposed to make an informed decision whether to trust the cert or not? Putting the decision in my hands is useless if I can't make an informed decision.

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