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Comment Re:Literally? (Score 1) 645

i don't think you can abdicate your moral responsibility unless you are completely unaware and have no power to change anything. like that whole dolphin tuna thing. when you're made aware of something that you find morally objectionable done by yada yadda that you purchase yadda yadda from, you instantly have the moral responsibility to find an alternative.

it's personal belief or whatnot, i'm atheist, so your only responsibility is to your own conscience. :)

Comment Re:Even Fox gets it right sometimes (Score 1) 645

i wouldn't empathize with the gazelle. and i don't with the lion. I feel disgust that people would celebrate it, not necessarily that someone died. That it was such a gratuitous way of doing it. that's just me. That they're reveling in it by boasting about it horrifies me.

Death happens, sometimes it's necessary, i'm not a saint, nor a pacifist. But i will never be ok with glorifying an execution. ... calling it a natural act is a pretty skewed viewpoint by the way.

i'm not outraged by it.
i'm disgusted, i'm horrified, i'm sad. i'm sad that i'm not outraged and what that means.

Comment Re:Even Fox gets it right sometimes (Score 1) 645

i have not seen it, i will not see it. i read a description and it sounds horrific. it's even more disturbing that they were taking a poll to determine how to execute someone.

this is not justice, this is not vengeance. this is revelling in your power, feeling nothing for the pain of others, and juvenile all at once.

this feels like finding a child that likes to torture cats, but on the scale of a state. disturbing, terrifying, horrific and wrong.

Comment Re:Please no more censorship. (Score 1) 467

nope, i'm very cognizant of the fact that it's a private corporation. It's profit driven and can impose any speech restrictions it wants. I do however think that twitter can't really do anything about a dedicated troll that won't also decrease their accessibility significantly. In light of the fact that i don't think they can do anything about it, in an economical fashion at least, these will be the only way to deal with trolls for the foreseeable future.

Comment Re:Please no more censorship. (Score 1) 467

then stop using it.

if your employment involves social media to the degree that you can't stop using it, then learn to hack it. i have no sympathy for those that subsist on public attention but cannot handle the darker aspects associated with it.

think of them as mini journalists, think of them as mini radio announcers, think of them as mini-anchors. all of which get, got and will continue to receive hatemail. this is little different. Those that can't deal with the criticism and negative attention will find new employment. Those that don't do it for employment, can simply start a new account, it is simply a luxury to them.

they are not owed these things.

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