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Comment Re:And is easily defeated... (Score 1) 357

Hrmm, doing the math, I'm not sure I can believe it. I'm still guessing that's the power at the transmitter and he was being a normal reporter, claiming the biggest numbers.

Here's some datar: http://www.physto.se/~ljvi4037/ProjectReferences/MillimeterWave%20Dosimetry%20of%20Human%20Skin.pdf

Assuming 1/32 penetration depth (95Ghz is more like 1/64), only 50% absorbtion (95GHz on forearm is around 70%), and he was made 100% out of water (best case scenario for maximum specific heat, and he might be a little sweaty) that's something like a 76 degree rise in temperature per second...I call reporter reporting big numbers type of bullshit.

Comment Re:Corner reflector (Score 1) 357

I think you should review the maths for a corner reflectors. In angle = out angle for, basically, the whole 90 degree opening, with a slight radial offset perpendicular with the beams direction. The most work would be figuring out which maybe 70 usable degrees segment to point the thing. With the size of it, and the fact that it requires line of site, do you really see this as a daunting task? Hey, tape two together! Now you have nearly 180 degrees! And, this isn't a laser beam...it spreads...you don't have to aim it precisely, and that would be the biggest problem! If it only works to 700m, you would have to be no more than 700m/2 for them to feel anything, and they'll always feel much less than half the pain of anyone around you.

Comment Re:Wear Foil! (Score 1) 357

Grounding is unnecessary for reflecting something a few wavelengths larger than the frequency of interest. At 3mm, you'd be completely safe, and fairly dangerous, behind a sheet of tinfoil.

Grounding is 100% unnecessary for a Faraday cage. RF doesn't know or care what ground is...all it can see is changes in impedance.

Comment Re:16 hours? (Score 1) 357

No, the stress is not an issue. It's the operating temperature of the device that's the issue. It was calibrated at its operating temperature and so can't give NIST traceable results without running at its operating temperature. If what you're claiming is true, you literally wouldn't be able to make measurements for the first two hours. You can make measurements just fine, they just wont be as accurate. If you disagree, try it.

Comment Re:Development costs? (Score 2) 331

Libraries man. Make a single cloth simulator, use it for all cloth. Make a single skin texture builder, use it for all skin. Make a single face constructor, use it for all faces. Trees, rocks, pavement, buildings...everything. If you've ever played with a proper 3d rendering platform where you don't have to draw everything by hand, it becomes impressive what you can make with a small algo and a random number generator to feed to it.

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