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Comment Do they have any choice? (Score 1) 249

Last i heard, if you dont protect your trademark you lose it. I dont think there are any 'humanitarian exceptions' to that rule.

However, they could 'lease' the rights to his family to use it, lets say for a dollar... Then they dont look like jerks, and dont risk the legal implications for inaction.

Comment Re:It's Intended (Score 1) 137

Not supporting them is your right.

Them supporting their customers is their right. If their customers have issues, then they need to not use the products. I still suspect you have a severe issue with control and are staying away to avoid the problem. But hey, admitting you have the problem ( and avoiding triggers ) is the first step to recovery, so i commend you on that.

Comment Re:The Amazon AppStore Auto-consent (Score 1) 137

Not only do you grossly overestimate your intelligence, you don't even pass the self-awareness test. Clearly you do care if people agree with you, otherwise, you wouldn't be here spouting off. That is a basic concept of communication.

You mistake my dictation of reality and now they should think to the peasants, as 'caring'. Its not. Really.

Comment Re:The Amazon AppStore Auto-consent (Score 0) 137

If there was any arguing, it was on your part only. I honestly dont care if anyone agrees or not. I'm right. Period. If someone is too stupid to realize that, its their problem not mine.

So 2 posts is "too much"? If i try to post a 3rd time i get the delay. I wouldn't call 3 posts in a row too much, and the operators here can take their limit and shove it..

Comment Re:The Amazon AppStore Auto-consent (Score 1) 137

How is making an honest observation 'name calling'? You sound like a child, so i used the term. Even if you are not in age, you do have the mind of a child.

"dumbass child" would have been name calling. Besides, who was arguing? I was simply stating reality.

And for the record, this 'required time between' posts is ludicrous. Some of us can think faster than that..

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