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Journal Journal: Themusicgod1 finds girlfriend through Slashdot 1

Thank you slashdot, without you I'd still be single and lonely. As I theorized earlier, there are single women on slashdot and a few of them might just be interested in you. As it stands now, I'm happily coupled with a blogger-geek named tricksy, whom I adore. No this isn't a joke. Now comes the tricky part: keeping my entire life from falling apart, and keeping her head over heels in love. Feel free to comment :)

Journal Journal: bugfix - divert around slashdot censorship

"The Internet views censorship as damage and routes around it"(Gilmore, n.d.)

Too many people I know on slashdot have had their ability to post suspended due to their political direction. Enough is enough. I'm going to try to make a change here.

If you cannot post something on /. due to account or subnet blacklisting, fear of account or subnet blacklisting, or fear of reprisal from the legal system of your country of residence, or any other country, etc, email me and I will post it: recursive.genepool at

I reserve the reserve the right to rot13 it (or base64...ascii art will be a lot less goatse in base64), and/or post from an account other from this one. I will do my best to post it. Probably with some sort of sig ----- THE FOLLOWING IS NOT MY OPINION IT HAS BEEN FORWARDED TO ME SEE MY SIG (url) ---- (hrm...better get on that rot13 program)

After first thinking of this idea, I realized: Oh god, I now have a moral obligation to post to slashdot; To propegate this sig/meme. Oh well. For those of you out there reading this please forward it along to other people in case they are having issues with being blocked for their activities here on slashdot. I will not watch idly as this society censors unpopular opinion...this forum is becoming too prominent in technology and F/OSS and too important to give up yet.

Oh and yes I will crapflood...but I will crapflood very...very slowly so don't even bother. If you flood my email you can pretty much guarantee I won't get your message.

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: Death and working your ass off

10,000 is 10 thousand with 2 significant digits.

630000 million $ debt
33 million people
19000$/capita debt
2900 hours @ saskatchewan minnium wage
2700 hours @ my current wage

6650$ million $ debt
1 million people
6650$/capita debt
10,00 hours @ saskatchewan minnimum wage
950 hours @ my current wage

3900 hours @ saskatchewan minnium wage
3700 hours @ my current wage

That's a lot of hours and it's just the cost that is handed down from my parents generation to mine.

I'd provide source links but I'm not at home so I'm kind of stuck for resources on a shitty first generation iMac.

Journal Journal: 42,500 single women on slashdot 7

(gack! webserver dies!!)

assumptions :
that my friends/fans are not biased to any gender
that they aren't lying, or that it isn't blatantly obvious which gender
they are

female 4
male 18
unkown 15
total 37


confidence 65%


( .1081-.45sqrt(.1081(.8919)/37),
.1081+.45sqrt(.1081(.8919)/37) )

assuming sample is random and unbiased

.1081 +/- .0230
the population of females is 10.81% +/- 2.30%,
within 65% accuracy

confidence 65%
phat =15/37=.4054

P= .4054+/-.45(sqrt(.4054(1-.4054)/37))

so if we add the uncertainty within the total
to the uncertainty of the
population of females we get...

10% +/- 43.99%, within 65% accuracy

now assuming that slashdot's total population
is 850,000
there should be
85,000 +/- 373915 females, 65% accuracy

assuming that
is on the right track
then there should be
42,500, +/- 186958 single females, ~65% confidence;

"that is not a small number"-strongbad. So...what do you think? Am I full 'O shit? On the wrong track? thoughts?

are YOU one of these 42,500? Email me at with a breif hello and I could be yours for the low cost of a few dozen emails and a plane ticket to whatever country you live in.

Journal Journal: weaning off slashdot not successful

One of my new years resolutions was to post to slashdot less. Not to quit, but to post less. This hasn't been going well. Oh well, could be worse. I could be committing suicide or something.

Journal Journal: Public Key

If you have a public key on /. Can the public have access to it? Is there a link somewhere in slashdot which leads to a users public key? I'd like to get into pgp/gpg/etc more but, honestly I don't think I know anyone who is into it and that kind of limits its usefulness. I noticed that slashdot has a public key field but I can't for the life of me find either my own or other peoples keys.
User Journal

Journal Journal: attempt iii, feverish ramblings

This bit is from my Blog

I am with reid and diana. I am not madly in love with diana. I am not madly in love with diana.
but for some strange reason Reid thinks that i am, and in a very Strong sense, bids me to nevermore gaze upon her.
I travel to a strange land with Metephor Skyscrapers and Monochrome Monoliths - - everything is
wrong here, as if i were living in early 90's VR somehow,
at least until the sky began to fall it was as if small pixels were being shot through the earth at dozens of miles an hour - or at any rate slow enough to be seen, almost as if they were shooting stars, only through the streets, and running through cars, people, trains, planes, automobiles, LINE skyscrapers, the works. everything was being peiriced and destroyed by this falling fire of armageddon.
and then i woke up, got on the bus and went to work.
being groggy, not quite waking up yet, i am visited by diana.
she didn't notice the utter fear and disaster impending doom look on my face when i thought that i was still dreaming in that dreamworld, but in fact i at this point was in another...

DUKE (V/O) Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. (he gets up, pours himself a drink) Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime -- the kind of peak that never comes again. San Francisco in the middle sixties was a very special time and place to be a part of. But no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant. DUKE throws open the curtains. Light streams in. EXT. 1965 STOCK FOOTAGE We are in SAN FRANCISCO. IMAGES OF THE TIME FLOOD IN. DUKE (V/O) THERE WAS MADNESS IN ANY DIRECTION, AT ANY HOUR... YOU COULD STRIKE SPARKS ANYWHERE. THERE WAS A FANTASTIC UNIVERSAL SENSE THAT WHATEVER WE WERE DOING WAS RIGHT, THAT WE WERE WINNING. AND THAT, I THINK, WAS THE HANDLE -- THAT SENSE OF INEVITABLE VICTORY OVER THE FORCES OF OLD AND EVIL. NOT IN ANY MEAN OR MILITARY SENSE; WE DIDN'T NEED THAT. OUR ENERGY WOULD SIMPLY prevail. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave... DUKE'S FACE IS SUFFUSED WITH A SADNESS AND SERENITY WE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. DUKE (V/O) So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look west, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high water mark -- that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.

"Girls like to dance"-Diana
There's this dirty old man talking to a beautiful young woman.
She has circular Spectacles which highlight an otherwise symmetric and soothing face - as a whole she is very pleasant to look at. every movement she makes is graceful, due mostly to the sheer curvateur her general and specific shape - i'm not one for perfection but she's right up there. What else do i know about her? She's a social critter - spends a lot of her time drinking coffee and hanging out at my workplace, in the hall of mirrors, surrounded by stained wood and reflections of reflections, and television screens - but she only comes, it seems, for the companionship and the caffeine. she is smart, so smart that i'm unsure how smart she is. She instantly had me on two arguments which i thought were given
and i thought i was 'above average' for the world that would have her as theirs, here it is the other way around.
and i think she knows,
that the world would be hers
i sold out, why am i not seeing any benifits?
there are no benifits, ever. it's an illusion
she dreams of being a drifter, living life as pure as it gets, understanding and being a part of the great tragedy and romance of life at it's fullest - travelling the world, "peniless", and cosmopolitan. Bedding down in hostels in all continents, while still having the warmth of the mediterranian sun she left behind not to long ago behind her.
she dances, too.
He? Just another worker bee, stubble long overgrown and a black t shirt pinned to his skin with
two day old sweat. He may not be the prettiest, but he'll do. A savage armageddon is throwing pixel fireballs around in his mind, and he's looking for some reason to live or die for, knowing
full well that he'll never find what he's looking for. at least until he realized that She was there.
"Girls like to dance"-Diana
crude words covering suppressed intentions clog about as he tries to stand still and
balance on his heavy_soled fake leather hiking boots.
he has been working hard at his hopeless career job throughout the past ten hours, without any noticable break, and his feet are blistered. At that moment an entire future is scraped off from the possibilities of the frying pan of life. his life, and possibly her life, could have collided, and could not have collided.
whatever happens now will happen no matter what effort is thrown against it.
that moment was the deciding point. the breakingpoint. the point at which two futures were seperated from eachother indefinitely. it may have been that he will fail now,
move back to the suicide machine where he started from, start dating his awaiting exgirlfreind cc, where she then proceeds to cheat on him with the local player and he generally lives unhappily with his begotten children, and persues a low class slumjob like pizza driving, for the rest of his life, never having quite enough to feed himself, her and offspring, let alone having time to, or caring to think, or create any artwork worthwhile...
or mabye it works the other way around. mabye he will succeed from here elsewhere, driven by the knowledge that one failure happened and could have been prevented. He has final exams soon enough to make this future work. but in either case, the rest of his life, he will live, regretting that this day ever happened. He will live every day, wishing that this day would happen soon. He had lived, every day, more or less, waiting for this very day to happen. While it was happening, it was understood-that this was the day-and that all was going wrong-and that everything further was pointless-the damage had been done,
"Girls like to dance"-Diana
a group of beautiful girls asks me to dance. i shy out for a moment, and find that i cannot manage even an awkward monolouge of bodily motion, blushing almost to tears hiding against my chair, eating fries [thinking that if i keep this behavior up i'll be fat real soon, while keeping a close eye on the entire situation---while keeping in mind a thousand instructions on how to dance, what dancing is, what rhythm is, and how to implement rhythm on a physical plane]
"i am so paranoid right now i'm almost in tears. The last time i went to a dance i used the cheesy tai chi moves to improvise...i don't know what to do"
i didn't face my greatest fear at that moment, and as a whole failed her and myself.
She may never understand what that meant,
She want's me to dance for her, eventually to make up for it.
but i can't do it now. it's far too late
a month or lifetime of practicing on how to dance will not mend the rift wound that has been
created. She may or may not fall into one place or one or another guys arms, but the future is
going to turn out, as the future is going to turn out. no changing it any more.
It just isn't the same, and it never will be again.
the cheesy love song i wrote passed through my mind as this is happening
spinning around
waiting for you to arive
you were never
and you
never will be
i've been loosing her since we met
and our love was always past tense
we never realized we were together
until the day she left.

reflecting on how i'm creating metephors built on my metephors.
"Girls like to dance"-Diana
what? you don't understand the meaning?, oh?, you purple shaded milk psychedelic angel?
you sparkling hazel and hellfire Saphire in the Midnight Mirror?
Perhaps it was not meant to be understood.
Perhaps i'm reading undertones and noise that are just that - undertones echoes and static.
Perhaps things that are meant are only those which we want.
Perhaps things which we want are only those we are shown are cool, and desirable.
Perhaps things which we are shown to us are only shown to us in the way that they keep us from
finding out the true things which we should be fighting against, or believing in
This is the thing that gets me about those school shootings, when in highschool the awnser
is black and white, with us or against us, so simplistic - but the moment you take action, the moment you think you know, the moment you kill one of them, you have lost. you have
lost because "they" have led you to believe that you know, or that you are in the right in the end, or that the lucky bastard who doesn't have to live with the concequences of murder [and enjoys calmness equality and unawareness on an non-understandable level]... Or mabye i'm just one of those nuts who i try to avoid like the plauge. This is one of my biggest fears -- that i have been nothing more than a wing-nut soon-to-be-trailerpark fringe_lunatics who watches X files as if it were faith and believes in UFO's as some sort of strange religion, while others around him silently point to him to eachother and laugh in their heads a strange giggle that even they do not understand wither it comes.

And it makes sense, it's rare the day anyone agrees with me on the day i say something. and the off chance that i'm right in the end may just be the odds are for me - nothing about me having deeper insight or keener vision in the ways of knowledge, purity, music, poletics, prophecy, or love---it's just that one of two options has to be --- i can be right or i can be wrong. sooner or later i'm going to be right, as even a more or less loaded coin is going to land heads eventually...

So what follows? what next? What is the next part? we wait for the awnser and yet there is none. without an external authority to tell the englightened poet where to go, he either sits around and waits for something to happen which never does, or they wander around until they die of starvation. because the truth is there is no food. it's all a dream. a matrix. a lie. right jewels?

We've been through worse i've been through worse
it's been worse than this
i've seen worse than this
i've seen worse
it's worse than i've ever seen before.
the chlorine gas is everywhere, no air to breathe i slowly inhale, coughing it out, forcing myself to inhale the poison gas again
mabye i'll just pass out, instead of this retching nausea, burning eyes and lungs filling with their own decayed fluid...

but i've seen worse...

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: where to begin?

the whisps of white sky are swept by winter against the frozen concrete and tar below. this is almost all that is left that is stable - everything else falls apart, and is blown away. i left for regina, finding a place to live quickly, i settled in and got a job, in which i worked at constantly - sometimes 12, 14, 20, 24 hours a day (including a stay overnight at Craven's Rock in the Valley!), i was almost never home. unbeknownst to me, the only reason i was able to live where i was, at the cheap rent i had, with the room-mates i was living with, was that they needed a gullible, naieve, first year university student, who would not be able to defend themselves upon legal assault, and an attempt to screw over for hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

so i left, and found my own place to live. just before school started. i kept working, so once again i was never home. i took a weekend off, and went home to saskatoon for the weekend, to visit my girlfreind at the time, and my family. my girlfreind dumped me during this trip...and things went kind of sour with my family. oh joy! i spent most of the trip on the internet, and was happy to go back to regina.

month one ; Plato. As a philosophy minor, i was introduced to Socrates, and the entire 'introductory to philosophy'. i loved it, at first - although it was beginning to break down the pillars of stability that i didnt even know i had. good enough, i thought that was worthwhile. in the meanwhile, as a student, i really dont have any money ~ i have been saving up for years for university, so i actually *do* have money, but i cant spend it, as it's all going to tuition and books. this also includes not buying food. for months, i lived off of the flavour packets in the noname-ichiban-style noodles, and burnt/dropped pizza from work.(some of it was pretty nasty!). the only thing that kept me from loosing weight drastically was that i drank an almost unlimited amount of coke. in the meanwhile, i was getting dizzy during the day, and long hours of study (up to 18 hours a day!) were accomplishing nothing. added to living by candle light, with no heating, not doing wash/dishes showering as little as possible (couldnt afford soap!), and walking eveyrwhere(sometimes up to 10km, both there and back!)... lesson #1 - life sucks without money

Descartes. everything i thought was real, is called into question. no girlfriend, no real point to life, no money, and being thrown full force at midterm. but i had university, so i worked hard. i was introduced to the wonders of pragmatism and relativism...although neither stuck with me long enough to make a real impact! alongside with what i felt was the 'right' thing to do, i could work hard, and efficiently towards my goals...

Lesson #2 - life sucks when you don't know anything, and know that you don't know anything

neitzsche. outright hell. my pragmatism, alongside with kult morality were torn apart, because in reality, they were christian...(as anti-christian, is really just christian in another direction, and that christianity is just hate manifested in meme form.). i dont know what to think, i dont know what to do. i'm just floating around. even university, is called into question - the englightenment i seek i appear to have found... and it tastes bitter. neitzsche claimed the will to power, that which makes you stronger, is to be sought,(as at least his interpretation of things...)...and this would mean working hard and trying to get marks...NOT trying to be educated in a sort of zen bhuddism way...(which was another thing i was looking into during this fall, up until reading neitzsche...)

what have i missed? i have a new website, and have been studying hard. dindt really learn much, yet, though. some formal logic, learned lots about philosophy and life, most of which is all dependant on the idea that 'we are here'(which may be incorrect.) i'm not going to find what i seek, the 'truth' i seek is really god...and god is dead...and we have killed him.

a skyscraper sits in quiet rebellion against the winter, the light orange-yellow of the streetlights shining off of trees casually reflecting off of the windows. those inside feel warm, some have never felt cold. for a moment there i thought i could survive outside, i thought that the injustice of the inside, the corporate lifestyle, the industrial military complex, it was all just evil. but it's cold outisde, and after running full force as far as i could, instinct took hold, and dragged me back. i met death once, he came down to me, through the walls of my parents house, into my bedroom there, and told me that if i didnt stop drinking coffee, i would give myself a heart attack. the effort required to do anything is so much, and yet what do we do anything for?! love? truth? goodness? humanity? she who i loved left me to rot. truth is a sham, a word designed to place a specific mindset onto its users - a mindset of hatred and revenge against enemies i never sought to make enemies out of. humanity is date-rapists and drunks...little more than pigs believe me... what does this leave as the reason that we do anything? hatred? that was the reason (even though i didnt know it) that i existed...but i cant accept that...i wont accept that. injustice and hatred...i wont let it what does that leave? nothing! its all done in vain!~ "and so castles made of sand, drift to the sea, eventually"-jimmi hendrix Lesson #3 - in vain!!~


Journal Journal: i've made it

i made it into the university of regina, computer science major (bachelor of science program)... this is a major step in my life and i hope i can pull it off.update:i've started studying allready, relearning all my programming skills that i currently have (not too much) as well as seeking calculus information.
The Media

Journal Journal: 2600

i'm starting to listen to the 2600(?) Off the Hook audio files... they sound really good. Unfortunately my hard drive is starting to get full (96% full) i'd better hurry up and clean it off abit. My Sound recording for my double-cd album release "past tense" dosnt help this lack of hard drive space.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Geek Health

isnt there anywhere in this massive data world that has information on health information for us computer geeks? i mean computer geeks need to be healthy too... how could you possibly code with puking your insides out every 5 minutes? but you get the idea. i'm not saying we need to be corpolympic grade athletes but i'm asking...what can we, as computer geeks, do to keep us healthy _enough_?

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Never ask two questions in a business letter. The reply will discuss the one you are least interested, and say nothing about the other.
