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Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 2, Insightful) 223

We could do with doctors having some end of live training. I have watched too many elderly relatives treated with expensive and painful procedures that only managed to lengthen their suffering a very short amount of time. Often increasing their suffering for that time. Yeah, lets try chemo on an 85 year old who is more cancer than man! What the hell is wrong with these doctors?

It's the same reason you get an XRay every time you go into the Dentist. You don't need them (visual inspection will tell almost everything you need to know), but they are a very simple and easy procedure that will get the dentist a good amount of money from the Insurance company. In addition, like mechanics and the specialist equipment they have to buy, paying off that XRay machine they are forced to buy will probably take a few thousand XRays, so they have to do it in order to survive.

A lot of the medical decisions we make in this country are satisfied by this basic economic pressure: The exact point where they can bleed as much money from the Insurance companies (who bleed as much out of you).

This is why we should have went with single payer or Universal health care in the United States, instead of using the Affordable Care Act to prop up a diseased industry. Perhaps in another 10-20 years we'll be at that point in the US, it depends on how fast the current Ultraconservative Party collapses.

Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 5, Informative) 223

They are pound or sponge cake with a highly fat filled marshmallow creme filling. They are incredibly easy to make.

Todd Wilbur has a great video on how to duplicate them at home. He does the same for a lot of snack foods -- Does a great Oreo too.

Personally I'm not terribly excited for Twinkies' return. This most recent mess was the result of a bunch of Romney-style Capitalists trying to bust Hostess' Union for more profit, being helped along with assholes on Fox News blaming the victims of 10+ years of those assholes sucking Hostess dry.

The new Hostess is non-union and has lost most of it's talent -- and no American should ever support Union busting.

Comment So... (Score 1) 331

So if I wanted to make a PBS app for them, would PBS work with me? Give me access to their API? Their video streams? If not... why not? We're helping to pay for it, right?

They don't have time to make it "perfect" for everyone, but I can guarantee you enough of us nerds grew up on Mr. Rogers that we could find a sufficiently skilled team of volunteers to do it.

Comment Re:I call bull! (Score 1) 814

I know that you're posting AC so you probably won't see my reply, but here goes...

It's amazing that, in a day where we can accept people are born gay, that it isn't a choice, that we will mock and degrade people who feel that their external sex doesn't match their internal gender.

I see one big, important distinction between homosexuality and transsexuality in your example. Homosexuality doesn't require a third-party to participate to make you what you into what your feelings tell you that you should be. Someone who has sexual attraction to those of the same gender is a homosexual whether or not they ever fulfill their attractions. By contrast, it requires active participation to have gender reassignment surgery to "correct" the external body appearance and genitalia.

Let me just correct you right now.

Your argument is that homosexuality is an internal choice. You do not need someone else to recognize you as a homosexual, to be homosexual. It is entirely internal.

Your second argument appears to be that Transgenderism requires an external force -- that transgendered people require a second party to perform a surgery upon them to be transgendered.

This is incorrect. What you are describing is a process some transgendered people go through called "Transitioning." It is not something that is taken lightly (not "deciding one day to chop their dick off" as one particularly vile comment upstream said) -- but rather the result of years of therapy. I don't know the rate of transgendered people who do go through transitioning, but it's certainly not 100%.

Much like a Homosexual person "just knows" they are homosexual, a transgendered person "just knows" they are in the wrong body, that they are the wrong gender. They do not need recognition of this fact from an outside source for it to be true.

Comment What utter arrogance. (Score 0) 814

I think a lot of folks on slashdot that have problems with these people do so simply because while they don't care about transgender/gay/whatever, they _do_ care about calling a spade a spade. Since saying that a man is a woman clashes with things pretty hard.

Having behaviours typically ascribed to women does not make you a woman. Same with men.

It's actually been found that some Transgendered people have different brain chemistry than "typical" gendered people. There's also theories that certain hormones or conditions in the womb can cause a predisposition towards transgenderism.

There's a whole lot of anti-LGBI bigotry in this mess here on /., but this is the one that keeps coming up. "Transwomen don't get to be women because we decide they're men." This is like the 10th fucking comment that's said that or something similar.

Well, who the fuck are you guys to decide someone else's identity for them!?

"You don't get to spend money on a car, what the fuck do you think you're doing, you're a Jew, you pinch every pinny you get mister! A spade's a spade, har har!"

"College? Boy, you're black, what makes you think you belong at MIT?! Hey now, I'm just saying, a Spade's a Spade. Now you go put on that KFC uniform and know your place, there aren't any black engineers out there."

"Honey, a doctor? You're a woman. You should be a nurse, don't you want to wear a pretty dress? A Spade's a Spade, after all, and you should know your place."

What utter arrogance.

Being Transgendered is not just a choice a Transgendered person makes out of the fucking blue one day. They don't just wake up and go "Well, I feel like a skirt today, and my Kilt is in the wash, guess I'll wear that red satin number."

Transmen and Transwomen spend years if not decades dealing with the knowledge -- not feeling, knowledge -- that they're the wrong gender. When available, they go through therapy that confirms this -- which is often the first time many Transmen and Transwomen realize just what is going on.

That's assuming they don't kill themselves first -- the suicide rate for transgendered people, especially transgender teenagers, is utterly horrifying. Partially because of people saying ignorant anti-LGBI crap like the stuff that's been thrown about in this thread.

And it's not even fucking binary. There's a thing called being "Genderqueer" or "Non-Binary" where people don't associate with either man or woman, at least not 100%.

I know it's a stretch, but I expect less ignorance on /., even though "lol trannies" is still a hiiiilarious joke in the gamer and geek communities. Hell, even Reddit is less of a cesspool than this mess has been.

For further reading I'd suggest starting with these two FAQs about Transgenderism, just as a start.

Comment Re:Modern Jesus (Score 2) 860

Sometimes people do vote for third parties, but I haven't seen major changes caused by that, either. Did Ross Perot have any lasting effects?

Well, we did have 8 years of President Bush as a result of a third party candidate bleeding votes away from Gore...

(Granted, Bush was more the GOP members of the Supreme Court being corrupt and helping Bush out, and Gore did win the eventual recount, long after the narrative was set, but, still.)

Comment Re:Modern Jesus (Score 0) 860

Aside from the ugliness people display when they immediately resort to pulling the race card...

    The whole point is that if Obama were somehow better than Bush, I would expect him to have come in and said: "This is unacceptable. This is unconstitutional. I want it gone." That is not what happened by a longshot. Instead he doubled down on all the nasty secretive stuff while he told everyone lies like how he would have the most transparent administration, ever. I am sorry if you cannot see what is right in front of your face. By now reality is pretty undeniable.

Ok, I'll bite.

What part of the constitution prohibits this particular act? Especially given that we now know that the NSA spying story was mostly and overstated hoax but even if it were as bad as it sounds (it's not)... it's both constitutional and perfectly legal.

Or are you speaking of the IRS scandal, the real scandal being that the IRS somehow investigated 11 illegal Koch brothers front groups and somehow didn't find ANYTHING wrong. (The "IRS Scandal" is a preemptive faux scandal, much like the NSA faux scandal and the Benghazi fake scandal, designed to attack Obama and to make the IRS less likely to investigate future Koch brothers front groups.)

Comment Re:Uh (Score 3, Interesting) 320

Can you provide more details on this statement? What events are you referring to? What proofs they turn off their cameras do you have?

You can see them turn the camera back on in the video when they discover they are being filmed.

You can also watch as they sit on top of a prone man -- who was only guilty of littering (and presumably only if he left the scene after missing the garbage can) -- while restraining him on the ground, punching him repeatedly in the face.

While doing so, with the video off but audio recording enabled, the police officer repeatedly shouts to stop resisting and to turn over -- which the victim obviously cannot do because he's, you know, being restrained against the ground.

However, an audit of the audio would collaborate a "I was trying to get him to stop fighting me and lay down and he wouldn't" defense.

Personally, I feel the officers should not be able to turn off their cameras on their own, instead requiring dispatch to send a signal to do so. I do not believe police officers should have an expectation of privacy while on duty, especially given the special authority we allot them as officers of the peace.

There is a second, very similar, instance of this happening in Canada recently, which I believe is the reason this bill was proposed. Apparently the Edmonton police have a reputation not dissimilar to our own LAPD for corruption.

Comment Re:Uh (Score 1) 320

A piece of tape over the lens disables the video recording, without damaging or destroying the device. For briefer times, the could just put their hand over it 'accidentally'.

Yup, and the audio... well, the video we saw showed them sitting on one of the guy's chest (so he was forced to the ground, back first) while the officer beat the shit out of him, shouting "stop resisting" and "turn on your stomach." Which is impossible considering he was, you know, sitting on his chest restraining him.

The audio would collaborate a "I was just trying to defend myself" claim.

Comment Re:Irony! (Score 0) 279

Funny, I don't see anything about Muslims in the article. Where does he say that? If his is "the same type of" guy who called for them to be killed, I'd think that would be all over his quotes.

Buy, hey, don't let reality intrude on your own biases, right?

Well, here's a screenshot of his facebook page dating back to July. Lets see:

9/11 Trutherism (Both of the "the Pentagon was hit by a missile" and "the towers were professionally detonated" type)
"Prepper" crap (posts talking about the upcoming civil war he sees coming)
Contrails conspiracy ("Airplanes are secretly dropping chemicals on us!")
"The government is evil" style posts calling for the murder of American politicians, police officers, soldiers, and other elements of Government
Still more 9/11 Trutherism
Yet more "New American Civil War" Prepper crap, including his declaration that he's "starting the revolution" and "sharpening his axe."
Yet MORE "I'm commin' for you" style postings
More "9/11 was an inside job" crap
"Shadow Government" 9/11 trutherism stuff.

The only scandal is that this poor vet has not, as of yet, been committed to receive the psychiatric care he so desperately and obviously needs.

Now, as for mention of Muslims, I do apologize. I thought we were dealing with your standard run of the mill ultra-right nutjob in the US -- racist, ignorant, et cetera -- who tends to freak out when they have even the slightest light shined upon them by the Government (but demands the Government hold a spotlight to every Muslin and Arabic American 24x7... in the name of freedom, of course).

I didn't realize we were dealing with a frankly terrifying 9/11, "we gotta kill our government before they kill us," style Prepper sociopath.

You have my sincere apologies.

Now will someone please, please place Brandon J. Raub into psychiatric care before he hurts himself or others?

Comment Which... (Score 2, Insightful) 335

Which one is the one of the three that allows used game sales? (To the point of EA refusing to work with them when they refused to let EA block used game sales on their own?)

Wii U? ... Yeah, ok. Good luck with your XBox One ("Now with less games"(tm) ) and Playstation 4 ("Oh god we forgot the games.") purchases.

Comment Re:Irony! (Score 1) 279

This would be the same type of ultra-far right nutjob (Seriously, "The Illuminati caused 9/11?" Get bent.)

Remember when the notion that something called the "trilateral commission" made up of a bunch of wealthy and famous people were making many of the decisions that guided our lives for us was just a bullshit conspiracy? Now you can look it up on Wikipedia, and see a bibliography full of references. Out of curiosity, how do you explain the immediate removal of the debris from the site before any review could occur?

No, I don't remember that notion, because I don't spare brain cycles on loony crackpot bullshit that was debunked literally decades ago.

Nor do I have an explanation for the "immediate removal of the debris from the site" because IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. Why would I bother researching explanations for situations that exist only in the paranoid delusions of a bunch of ignorant America-hating clowns?

But don't let me interrupt your frothy conspiracy theory filled rant.

Comment Re:Selective statistics (Score 1) 1105

Stop it, just quit being a little weasel. This discussion is not about the NSF.

The point is, all science costs money, so all science is biased by money. You berate any finding (regardless of validity) financed by a group that has some vested interest in a result that disagrees with your beliefs, but can see no problem with the funding of concurring research.

Except that there is no "cult of Climate Change" like deniers are trying to project.

Which is what this is: Projection. Climate Denialists, especially Climate Change Denying Scientists -- the 3% -- are almost exclusively being paid by or receiving information from the very companies that have a vested financial interest in continued lack of sane and reasonable regulation.

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