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Comment Political filters (Score 1) 136

I just checked my spam folder again. I reserved a U-Haul, and the email confirming that reservation went to spam. One of the few false positives I get, but there are others.

What's interesting is all the political fund-raising emails. Only the conservative ones end up in Spam (Campaign for Liberty, Conservative Senate committee, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Mark Mix, etc.). That's fine - I don't really want to see those emails anyway. Yet, I get lots of the same emails from Hillary Clinton, Obama, Harry Reid, common good VA, Virginia Dems, Webb 2016, etc, and NONE of those left-leaning groups or politicians get sent to Spam. 0. That seems a little odd - I didn't do any filter training based on that. So does Google's spam filter have a political leaning?

Comment Re:kindergartners? (Score 1) 74

Government would hate that.


ps - why the cap on "conservatives"? RU1?

Nope not R or C, but I live in SE Virginia and seem them all around... Fucking over the country as a whole and specifically anyone who's not rich, white, and heterosexual (all of which which I actually am) - because "'muh Freedoms!" and "let's leave things to the scientists" (but only those that agree with us, otherwise science and scientists are bad/wrong). Fucking fucktards.

I know, right? If only SE VA would implement more liberal policies. Worked great in Detroit - err Baltimore, MD., err I mean Chicago.. NVM

Comment Re:Yeah, blame the parents (Score 1) 173

Maybe they're not interested in the current workforce dominated by males with sexist attitudes and L337 approaches?

More likely, they don't give a crap about that, they just want to pay as little money as possible, that's their only goal.

This latest effort is just an attempt to deflect criticism of the gender mix in their own workforce, by blaming the "unconscious bias" in educators and parents for their inability to find qualified females for their workforce. It's closer to the truth to say that the cheap Indian and Chinese labor they want is mostly made up of men, very much more so than the field of US candidates.

Comment Re:I've had one rule while on-line and followed it (Score 1) 202

That said, I have seen things I posted on Usenet where I have the complete opposite opinion right now. People change ideas. Extra information becomes available. What was OK a while ago is not ok now and the other way around.

Are you sure it wasn't the kool-aid? Or did this magical transformation in opinion occur when you had to start working for a living?

Comment Re:Lame duck (Score 1) 211

You are quite wrong. Rove started the American Crossroads [] PAC specifically to oust the liberty and evangelicals from party leadership, right down to the local committee level. I've seen it in action.

AFAICT AC hasn't fought particularly against any Republican. A good chunk of their money goes to hurting Democrats.

As I said, I've seen it in action. I'll just leave this right here. A lot of their money is not tracked, because it doesn't go to candidates in partisan elections at all - it goes to candidates for leadership offices within the Republican party.

Comment Re:Lame duck (Score 1) 211

Rove isn't a neocon, he's a partisan Republican. He will support whoever is in power, as long as it's a Republican.

You are quite wrong. Rove started the American Crossroads PAC specifically to oust the liberty and evangelicals from party leadership, right down to the local committee level. I've seen it in action. If he's supporting the Neocons (he is) maybe it's because they are still in power, right?

There is no one left who will say, "What's good for America is good for the world" as a justification to start wars, and PNAC closed a long time ago.

PNAC may have dissolved, but the Kagans (including Robert Kagan's wife, Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland) are still very active promoting the same type of interventionist foreign policies. And still very influential. Their latest funding / lobbying group is the Foreign Policy Initiative. Check it out.

Comment Re:huh (Score 1) 211

Are you seriously trying to say that a pro-choice candidate could ever get the Republican nod for president?

Nice. A subject change AND a straw man all in the same form-of-a-question response. Kudos to you, sir!

I said what I said, not what you said. Are you saying that the Democrats are clamoring for a pro-life candidate? Is this binary litmus test running the country now? Maybe a good question for your favorite Democratic candidate would be "Can you explain the moral difference between the crimes for which Dr. Kermit Gosnell was convicted (first-degree murder of infants shortly after birth at 23-25 weeks into pregnancy) and late-term abortions?"

No wonder the parties have such identical positions on so many other issues. This has got to be the single most asinine way to select a government in the history of mankind - convince a large block of voters to select or reject candidates on the sole basis of a single, decided issue that won't ever move more than minor degrees in one direction or another. You are a HUGE problem with politics today, by promoting this myopic view.

You even see Republican presidential candidates, when asked if they believe in evolution, making a canned reply of "Well, I'm not a scientist"

Hey, fucktard, you ever see Democratic presidential candidates even asked this question, hmmm? Why is that? You can't think your way out of a paper bag, can you? What a fucking idiot you are. Oh, everyone knows the Democrats love science and Republicans are anti-science, right? We'll just put the questions out there to bash our opponents with. Yea, we know 98.65% of all reporters are Democrats, that's a well-known partisan fact, too, right? Am I right?

The Neocons, that trotskyist group that wants eternal war in the middle east

Right. I count Obama among them.

are yet another group that has taken over the republican party.

More demonstration of ignorance from you (not unexpected). Which group has "taken over" and which has not? I've got news for you - the Neocons are into pushing left (they call it "moderate") as much as possible, and want the religious right to just shut up and vote. They are in opposition in the party. I expect a hyperpartisan moron like yourself to be ignorant of the various Republican party factions, but you seem to even be ignorant of factions within your own party. I don't even know why I'm responding, you're so obviously stupid about politics.

If democrats had brough in a foreign speaker to contradict a republican presidents policies, they'd be screaming for the gatling guns to be unleashed upon anyone to the left of the KKK.

I assume you're referring to Netanyahu? Nothing but a made-up controversy. And entirely irrelevant to the rest of your post.

We'll just have to disagree on the extent of the Reigious right's influence.

We "disagree" because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about - that's clear.

I'm saying if you can't pass their litmus tests, you will not be the parties presidential nominee.

The FIRST thing you did in this thread was introduce a litmus test! Wow - how the left can project!

And for a person like myself, who views the political spectrum not as a left-right straight line, I see the further you get from the center, the closer left and right extremists become in actuality, if not rhetoric.

You view it from mainstream Democrat party talking points, and that's about it. Your opinion doesn't really matter in politics these days, because you will pull the lever for the "D" no matter who's name is there. Just like the racist "solid south" Democrats always did, and how all the useless eaters that care more about their free health care than how their children will find jobs, do today.

Comment Re: It's like Venezuela but without all the gun c (Score 4, Insightful) 431

The Federal Reserve doesn't work like that. The USA can maintain its government deficit because enough people are willing to buy US government bonds. If, one day, people no longer trust it to repay its debts, there will be a financial meltdown the like of which the world has never yet seen.

The largest purchaser of US bonds today is ... wait for it ... the Federal Reserve.

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