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Comment WHY IS IT... (Score 4, Insightful) 221

Why is it that law enforcement seems to be so goddamned unprofessional and lazy these days?

"ohh no, encryption is terrism"
"clearing your browser history is destroying evimadence"
"don't video me while I'm beating this black man"
"the fourth amendment is a obsolete holdover from the 19th century"

Put on your big girl pants and do you fucking job by the book you shifty slackers.

Comment H1B proponents bullshit. (Score 3, Informative) 614

The U.S. tech workers are required to train their replacements before vacating their jobs, or risk losing severance benefits

They can obviously find Americans who can do the jobs.
So why do they need H1B workers ?

Only takes one disgruntled employee to burn the whole place to the ground.
Just sayin'...

Comment AND FURTHERMORE... (Score 2) 25

If any of these kiddie code-camp dingbats were serious about getting kids interested in coding, they'd see about getting Big Trak re-resurrected. They had a modern version available for about five minutes around 2009. Add a WIFI interface to the the thing and Bob's your uncle.
While they're at it, make available add-on modules for a camera(s), and a freakin' lazor, maybe a robot claw.

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