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User Journal

Journal Journal: Happiness in a Glass 2

50% part whiskey
50% part sour mix
100% fun

I started drinking whiskey sours around christmas but hadn't had one since. Kind of a girly drink, but those things go down so easy. JD was on sale so I hooked myself up. Now I'm in real trouble. I'm in the habit of making them like I do gin & tonics, except instead of 2 shots alcohol it's 50% (though by the end of a long evening I end up drinking the whiskey straight).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Breakfast

Looks like pizza for breakfast this morning.

Last night it was between burgers and pizza for dinner and the beef won, so this is the only obvious conclusion.

I love making my own food :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Oh oh ohhh 3

So I get a "transfer admit day" email from UCSD and think, damn, I better check my transfer status. Click click badda bing, I'm in! w00t! No more putt putting around bs CC classes! Man, I would have been pissed if it had been a rejection... It's a 10 minute walk to UCSD and 25 minuted drive to state.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hmmm.... 1

The "Best if sold by 5/19/01" label is just a recommendation, right? We'll see :/

Definitely won't be as bad as this one time in high school heh, uhhh never mind I don't want to talk about that.

Stupid Time Warner and Comcast. I was home last week for spring break and found the Comcast cable connection went down more than a 2 dolla uhh, then I come back Sunday to find Road Runner giving me the shaft. It just came back up a few minutes ago.


Journal Journal: Changes 2

So I haven't been back home in a while, about four months. Not much has changed around the house, but my room seems to have turned into a server room. Four sun blade systems, a NAS box, and a wireless router. Tough to sleep at night with all the blinking lights. The area does seem to have been hit hard by the economy. One of the places I worked in high school, Seattle's Best Coffee, closed down its only nearby location. After quitting I thought I wouldn't mind never seeing he place agai

User Journal

Journal Journal: Spring Break

Current weather where I am now: 75 degrees, sunny
Current weather where I'm going for spring break: 55 degrees, rainy

So why am I going home for spring break? And I have that nice 500 mile drive to look forward to...


Journal Journal: *squawk* 3

One of the downsides to this warm weather is that one of my neighbors feels it is now appropriate to leave her pet bird on her balcony. It's about fifteen feet away from me and every 10 seconds my thoughts are interrupted by a loud *SQUAWK*. We're not talking about an ordinary bird here, this thing is damn loud.

It's almost as fun as my neighbor who's taken up playing the bagpipes, although that's considerably more tolerable.


Journal Journal: How to make sangria 3

Anyone know what's best for making sangria, a merlot or cabernet? TJ's still has the Charles Shaw 2000 of both on sale for $1.99. Maybe I should use one of each?

Drinking a Beck's dark until I figure it out, looks like it may be a rough day tommorrow :-)

I'm using this recipe.

Sun Microsystems

Journal Journal: Today is a beach day 4


It's about 80 degrees in the sun, not a cloud in sight.

Been a great week so far, aside from borking my server by breaking perl and and accidentally making it reject mail for a couple of days. I saw a girl I went to high school with yesterday, she had (and has!) the most perfectly formed derrière ever. Not to mention her sister is in town for spring break...

Tonight's menu is pizza and sangira- perhaps I should throw a party.

User Journal

Journal Journal: apt-rpm 2

This is my first Linux-related journal in a long time.

My Linux system runs Redhat 7.2. I use it mainly as a router, although it also has several services running (smdb, httpd, etc..). Recently, while trying to install a certain package, I entered RPM dependency hell. While not a unique situation, this time I found myself unable to find a resolution.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Democratic National Committee 2

Yesterday I received a piece of mail from the Democratic National Committee soliciting donations thinly disguised as a presidential poll. What really struck me was some of the wording:

Unlike past elections, funding for our next presidential campaign efforts must come primarily from donors who give $20, $35, $50, and $100 contributions. And frankly, the Republican Party holds a huge lead in the number and amount of small contributions it raises.

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