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Comment Infrastructure (Score 1) 557

1 Conduit lots of it all back to a utilities room. Fill with cat 6 or better today. Your going to want one end point per wall in a room plus some ceiling/wall mounts for Wifi.
2 Home automation, zwave has gotten cheap but pick your poison of standards. While I do not find colors that useful being able to have different temp whites is gear mid winter etc. Remember that LED are flexible in placement indirect lighting is often much more pleasant. If your just looking to prep the main stumbling block tends to be small electrical work boxes and lack of a common through the box.
3 Insulation if you have the cash closed cell foam along with an air to air heat exchanger.
4 Heating, geothermal it's power use is electric so ties well with solar. Radiant floor is the nicest.
5 Hot Water, geothermal ng/propane backup
6 Power, pretty much put up as big a solar array as you can get on the roof, Couple this with a propane/ng gen set. Propane is the only thing you can store locally for an extended period. When they stop buying power back and retail rates plan space for a battery.
7 Kitchen ng/propane except for the oven.
8 Cooling, geothermal. Make sure that the system can de/humidify the house without heating/cooling it.
9 Electrical, AFCI's are generally code use them wherever possible. Insure that as much as feasible is home run back to the panel. Install more than the code minimum outlets. For example my desk area was run with 4 30a 110v feeds, It was trivial to replace one of them with a 240v 30a and I watched my heaviest power consumption are drop 5% so less heat to cool etc etc.
10 CCTV pretty much just more cat 6 going to enough points so you get 360 coverage with overlap. Some people like camera's in their home I'm not a fan.

Comment Re:What about the cost for enrichment waste? (Score 1) 169

You forget that RoHS was good for china it made no real change to their exports and it was potentially better for their labor force.

Considering that china agreed to is pretty week and heavily skewed in there favor, they will stop emissions growth by 2030. With the US pledging to go down 25% from it's 2005 numbers by 2025. That is not fair nor equitable, it's china getting to say they are doing something in 15 years.

Comment Re:What about the cost for enrichment waste? (Score 2) 169

Your thinking that the 3rd world wont gain in their living standard (it has to happen) the system has to account for it. China has huge amounts of foreign debt and will not sit idly by and accept import taxes, if they refuse to roll that over that is a world wide economic crisis. This is pretty much the stick approach.

Current fission has issues related to proliferation, those are fixable issues. The key is making a cheap reliable and safe baseload electric generation that is agile.

Comment Re:What about the cost for enrichment waste? (Score 2) 169

That plans has a number of non starters, like cap and trade, sure lets go get the whole world to participate in it. There is no fair way to implement it. If you use current levels current bad actors like china are rewarded. If you use by population again china is rewarded, and the US would be massively penalized.

Prioritizing renewable on the grid means the least agile generators (who are also the cheapest) get the short end.

Government guarantee's for private investment is broken by design, if your going to subsidize rewards they might as well do it themselves as gov capital is cheaper. To do otherwise just pushes business to game the system.

Their plan fails at rapidly increasing the standard of living of a massive amount of the worlds population. To do so we need a LOT of cheap energy production, it's not enough to keep the status quo the third world needs to come up while we keep growth in the first.

Comment Re:How about speed arrestors, instead? (Score 1) 294

Those cost more. This is lets throw something that you can buy on ebay for 50 bucks have it cost 5000 and break all the time. Dont forget were effectively paying for it though the massive subsidies so that long distance rail does not die.

Don't get me wrong putting in 300-600kph trains could do a ton of good for the US.

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