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Comment Re:Nooooooo (Score 1) 73

It used to take around 25 button pushes to turn closed captions on or off on U-verse. I'd like to know how they came up with their usage scenarios when designing this that interface.

Thankfully, they've added a shortcut that reduces it to around six button pushes, but still... Why does it only take one button on my DVD player?

Comment Re:The announcer's delivery! (Score 1) 146

You piqued my curiosity.

Apparently, depending on the author, the falling tone at the end of a sentence is called a "terminal fall" (sounds like a coroner's statement of cause of death), "falling terminal" (sounds like a terrorist act), or a "terminal contour". I'm couldn't find a official universal term for it.

I thought the Wikipedia article might have something in the article on intonation, but I was unable to find it.

Comment Not the plaque cleaner, please! (Score 2) 237

Similar sound waves are used by dentists to remove plaque from teeth.

Um, I hear those sound waves just fine (high frequency sensitive). My dentist had to give up using it on me.

If this sounds anything like that horrid sonic plaque cleaner, I'm going to have to move to my zombie apocalypse survival compound in Montana. Too bad, I was saving it for the actual zombie apocalypse.

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