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Comment openwrt? dd-wrt? More secure?! (Score 1) 197

Users who replaced their TP-Link firmware with Open/DD-WRT firmware can sleep well.

On what basis?

On the basis of the security updates that occur, every single time a kernel or userland vulnerability is discovered?

I have yet to see a security release for DD-WRT. I see updates, randomly, which have nothing to do with security issues. Certainly the stable branches of both projects releases rarely.

Note, I'm not faulting these guys -- these are nice firmwares. However, to think that they are somehow more secure, when they fall prey to the same problem -- THAT IS, NO UPDATES DUE TO SECURITY ISSUES, is strange. These firmwares are just as insecure as stock firmwares.... in fact, likely MORE insecure, because what stock firmware has SSH exposed? Or other userland tools exposed?

Stock firmwares seldom have fluff modz, whereas one of the strengths of DD-WRT and others is to expose these services on user request.

If I look at .. say, Debian, and compare the number of security updates to the kernel, to tools like ssh, or dropbear, or apache, or whatever userland tools these routers are using.. I see *no updates*. None. Nada. Hell, the last month has seen likely 40 updates to the kernel for security issues, some of them serious remote DDoS. I've seen lots of updates to tools that DD-WRT incorporates in its userland, too. Again, severe security updates.

Where were the automatic, day-of-announcement updates for DD-WRT? OpenWRT? Until these tools incorporate Debian (or other copycat distros) updates with tools like apt-get, these things are WORSE than standard router firmwares.

What we need is to standardize these router firmwares on something like Debian.

Comment Re:How is this different than any other tablet? (Score 2) 303

OK, that's it.

If you people want to win the PR war, stop using the enemy's PR terms!

It isn't a walled garden. NO WAY.

That implies something wonderful and pleasant and beautiful and...

Walled garden? Nope, it is a JAIL. Designed so you CAN NOT escape, and your free will is negated.

Stop using their PR terms!

(note: Wattos.. you just happened to be the dude I replied to. Nothing personal, everyone seems to be using the enemy's PR terms)

Comment Re:Until of course the valve sticks open... (Score 1) 207

I live in an area with very poor roads.

I must have driven at least 1000 km on flats in my life, with nary a damaged rim to show for it.

Heck, a year ago, I drove for 2 days on a flat, until the entire tire ripped away and tore apart.

The rubber of the flat itself seems to protect the rim just fine, as long as you avoid deep potholes and such. So, yeah, when the rubber disintigrated, I put oon the spare.

Other than that... may as well drive to the garage on the flat. Heck, I've driven to the garage.. slowly, and even had them plug the tire. The garage was 15 km away...


Why America's School "Lag" Has Never Mattered 361

The Organization for Economic and Cooperation and Development (OECD), a forum of the top 34 developed economies, has released an annual education report, and guess what? The U.S. has once again ranked poorly in relation to many other developed countries. An article at TechCrunch argues that we needn't worry because it doesn't matter: "However, the report implies that education translates into gainful market skills, an assumption not found in the research. For instance, while Chinese students, on average, have twice the number of instructional hours as Americans, both countries have identical scores on tests of scientific reasoning. 'The results suggest that years of rigorous training of physics knowledge in middle and high schools have made significant impact on Chinese students’ ability in solving physics problems, while such training doesn’t seem to have direct effects on their general ability in scientific reasoning, which was measured to be at the same level as that of the students in USA,' wrote a team of researchers studying whether Chinese superiority in rote scientific knowledge translated into the kinds of creative thinking necessary for innovation."

Rewiring the Autistic Brain 139

sciencehabit writes "Signs of autism — such as impaired social skills and repetitive, ritualistic movements — usually begin to appear when a child is about 18 months old. Autism is thought to result from miswired connections in the developing brain, and many experts believe that therapies must begin during a 'critical window,' before the faulty circuits become fixed in place. But a new study (abstract) shows that at least one malfunctioning circuit can be repaired after that window closes, holding out hope that in some forms of autism, abnormal circuits in the brain can be corrected even after their development is complete."

Acer: Microsoft Surface 'Negative For The Whole PC Industry' 360

Shortly after Microsoft announced its upcoming Surface tablet, there was speculation that it might sour the company's relationships with OEM partners. Statements from an Acer spokesperson indicate that's definitely the case. The spokesperson told Bloomberg, "On one hand Microsoft is our partner, but on the other, Microsoft’s move makes them compete not only with us but all PC makers. We think that Microsoft’s launch of its own-brand products is negative for the whole PC industry." The company is reportedly considering whether or not they want to keep relying on Microsoft's software products.

Church of Scientology Enlisting Followers In Censorship 628

DrEnter writes "Apparently, the recent very public divorce of Katie Holmes and devout believer Tom Cruise is reflecting negatively on the Church of Scientology. Adding to this are other recent issues causing problems for 'church' leadership. In response, the 'church' has decided to encourage its followers to censor online chatter and comments about the 'church' and the divorce. This Yahoo blog post sums it up nicely. In short, they are encouraging members to complain about people posting negative comments about the 'church' as violating the Code of Conduct' in the posting venue. I can only imagine they are hoping these complaints will just be rubber-stamped and respected without investigation, but I think the campaign deserves a bit more attention."

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