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Comment Re:IANL (Score 2) 268

The GNOME desktop guys need to stop acting like they own the word "gnome".

Said the poster quoting executives inside Groupon!

As far as operating systems are concerned, they do in fact "own" the word "gnome." That is by definition of what a trademark is.

The gnome foundation does have a right to be concerned. With an point of sale system that offers a "gnome" operating environment, end users could easily confuse the two. And it seriously could affect the Gnome Foundation's ability to conduct any business in the future as their mark would be seriously diluted.

What is also disturbing is the hubris behind this. Clearly Groupon thought that they could steamroll over the Gnome Foundation!

I am not a user of gnome, and I know that developers and users have had disagreements with Gnome in the past, but that doesn't mean that users of open source software shouldn't stand behind the Gnome Foundation on this issue. As they have made significant contributions to GPL code and promoting open source software. This really is a no-brainer.

Comment media matters? crooks and liars? (Score 0) 105

It's official, /. has now degenerated into reddit.

Politics thrives over tech. Shills spouting propaganda galore I miss the old days of ./.(when I was AC) before the religion of politics fouled this well.

over on another thread. people are whining about koch bros. citing huffington post.

funny how nobody cries over bullying by George Soros. (Koch of the socialists)

where is there good old fashioned tech without the BS hyperbole. (Like /. used to be, like the early days of digg, etc.)

Comment Re:On the other hand... (Score 1) 700

You get what you pay for. Unless good counterfeits are a high percentage of the market you will know the price. You KNOW the real price. Those discounts are "too good to be true".

Except that the end consumer has zero knowledge about these counterfeit chips inside whatever they bought. And my guess is a most slashdotters do not either, until it stops working because of FTDI.

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