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Comment Re:Rural Electrification Act of 1935... (Score 1) 142

why can't these republicans, and the rural areas are almost fully republican who preach the evils of taxes and high government spending not pay for it themselves? all the tea party nonsense is how bad the blue high tax parts of the country are and yet it's the red states that suck up most of the federal government money for airports that like 5 people use in a year and bridges with one car a day of traffic

Comment Re:Moo (Score 2) 127

it's simple
unless you're in one of the best high schools in the USA and one of the top people in the school in math and want to be a CS major, don't bother applying to the best CS programs unless you have scholarships and your parents have money to pay

you are better off going to your state school and taking out less loans you will have to repay

Comment Re:Walmart employees, rejoice! (Score 5, Interesting) 455

yeah, meanwhile all the heroic family owned businesses in NYC are fighting a new proposed law to give employees at any business with more than 5 employees 5 paid sick days per year separate from vacation days

and i hear they all offer at least some health, pension benefits and the ability to be promoted into management of the family business

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