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Comment Re:Tilting at windmills (Score 1) 423

who hasn't had a business need for multiple levels of aggregates (eg averages of sums across multiple groupings, say "average across all customers' total balances")

Funny you should mention that. Window functions in the SQL:2003 standard address that need, and there was an article on Slashdot earlier today about PostgreSQL 8.4 being released with support for them. Oracle has for a while now.

Comment Try City of Heroes (Score 1) 337

Transportation in City of Heroes is so much faster than other MMO's I've played. Train stations or boats allow you to quickly move from one to zone to almost others in the same level range. There's a multitude of shortcuts (Pocket D teleporter, day job teleporters). There are Supergorup base teleporters that take you to almost every zone. Once you get to level 25, you can get the Ouroboros portal, which you can summon wherever you want and allows you to instantly teleport to the key high-level zones that you visit a lot.

That's just between zones. In the world itself, or even in instanced missions, you can move extremely fast if you pick up a travel power (first available at level 14). Flight is the slowest, but most versatile. "Slowest" is relative, it's still faster than epic flying mounts in WoW. There's also Super Jumping, Super Speed, and Teleportation, in increasing order of speed and difficulty to use.

After hitting boost range and teleporting across a huge zone in a half dozen hops, when I go play WoW with friends it just takes so damn long to get anywhere. :( Especially in the old world where the ground mounts feel so slooooow.

Comment Re:Enough already! (Score 1) 335

So you want the column to be NOT NULL, and yet you can't be bothered to tell the db your desired default value for that column. What EXACTLY do you expect the database to do ?

Um, I want it to create the table with a NOT NULL constraint and no default value. That's perfectly legitimate SQL.

Now a "proper" db might just moan at table creation time that you're trying to do something silly, whereas MySQL assumes you are silly and inserts it's own suggested default.

No, a proper db will create the table as instructed. There's nothing silly about creating a table that you don't want NULL values in, and saying that there's no sane default, so the user must specify a value on INSERT.

Horses for courses I would have said. Just for interest, as I'v enever tried Postgre, what does IT do ? Allow you to continue, then moan when you try and do an INSERT, or does it really stop you at creation time with a warning / error.

The former (reject INSERTS that don't specify a value for that column), which is what any decent database like Oracle, DB2, and hell probably even Microsoft SQL Server will do.

Comment Re:PostgreSQL (Score 1) 335

There's very little Oracle or anyone else can offer me that I don't already have with PG.

Basically, built-in multimaster replication (if you pay for the license, of course), and load-balanced clustering. If you don't need either of those, there's really no reason to pick Oracle over PG other than political.

PG is an awesome DB, and it just keeps getting better.

Comment Re:PostgreSQL (Score 2, Informative) 335

When was that? PostgreSQL has been using MVCC for as long as I can remember (as least since 6.0+, probably earlier), which is the same type of concurrency control used by Oracle. The implementation is a little different, but the effect is the same. Much more efficient than the locking method used by MySQL and MSSQL until fairly recently (SQL Server 2005 and InnoDB use MVCC).

Comment Re:And so it goes in the licensing world (Score 1) 273

although there's a BSDL version in the FreeBSD kernel that could probably be ported.

The ext2 driver in FreeBSD isn't very actively maintained, tends to lag behind the rest of the kernel, and has been the cause of various problems like panics and VFS lockups in the past. It's not recommended for serious read-write use.

Really the only platform to have good ext2 support is Linux. Honestly a least-common-denominator UFS variant would probably be usable by more systems due to Mac OS X.

Comment Re:Different OS (Score 1) 363

This has nothing to do with PGO, and I really wish people would stop pointing fingers at it when the performance difference is brought up on the mozilla lists.

This has been going on for far longer than PGO has been enabled on the Windows builds. PGO may have increased the gap a little, but not that much.

There was a time around when GTK2 was first released that Seamonkey could be compiled against either. The difference was especially obvious then. I'm sure GTK2 has been improved since then, but compare it to Qt-based browsers on the same hardware and see for yourself. Most of the perceived slowness comes from interacting with the UI components, not rendering speed.

Comment Re:Different OS (Score 1) 363

Clearly, the Mozilla developers just forgot to call 'gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(false);'. That's what's been gumming up the works. Much appreciated, and thanks for your informed opinion on the matter!

Sarcasm aside, that's just a single example of the myriad of inefficiencies in GTK. Especially in light of compositing window managers.

Comment Re:Different OS (Score 1) 363

Yes, more likely it's GTK that's using X inefficiently. Especially since almost any program that uses GTK feels "slow". The more complex the widget usage, the worse it is. Compare to say, Qt apps, on the same hardware.

Before someone says it's local, no, this isn't a configuration issue. I've noticed this across many different platforms (FreeBSD, various linux distributions, HP-UX, etc etc.) on a variety of hardware.

Comment Re:Different OS (Score 4, Informative) 363

It is a shame they did not do Firefox on Linux, Firefox on windows XP and Firefox on windows Vista, all on the same hardware. It would have been interesting to see how the underlying OS affects the performance of the browser. Then further compare IE on Vista vs Firefox on Ubuntu.

While hard numbers would be useful, it's painfully clear to anyone who's used it on both platforms that Firefox on windows is far faster than Firefox on linux. Try opening a bunch of tabs and see how sluggish it is on linux to switch between them or close one.

Personally, I blame GTK2's obsession with double buffering everything. I recall GTK1-based seamonkey builds being quite a bit faster than Firefox when they first switched FF over to GTK2. Of course you'd be mad to even install GTK1 these days, but the performance issues really need to be addressed. If I could get Konqueror without all the KDE baggage I would, for the brief time I used KDE it was always snappy and responsive.

Comment Re:The right answer to this (Score 3, Informative) 644

I haven't tried plugging in a memory card formatted with ext2fs but does Windows prompt for a driver when it finds an unknown FS or simply ignore it?

No, it shows up as an unknown file system, and if you double click on the drive letter that it gets assigned, it "helpfully" offers to format it for you.

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