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Comment Re:This is a problem because....? (Score 1) 445

This isn't really true though. In the 80s, about 30% of CS grads were female. Its declined to around 12% lately.

The lack of female devs can be traced to Academia and HS. We all know how desperate corps are for devs. You could be a gay nazi transgender alien, but if you can sling Ruby, you will be hired for 100k+. Women aren't devs because women aren't studying CS in college. Women aren't studying CS in college because college emphasizes the wrong priorities, and because their parents didn't buy them legos.

There is a problem, but its not in the industry. Its in the homes and schools

Comment Re:Hrrrm. (Score 1) 196

People easily confuse the government shutdown with the threats regarding the debt ceiling.

Lots of people could have cared less about the shutdown, but understood full well the consequences of default. Conflating the two over the ACA was a big mistake. Its my understanding is that the Tea Party aligned members of the RNC were responsible for that, but I could be wrong.

Comment Re:web sites (Score 1) 400

Its not easy, and government is bad at this stuff in the first place.

Which probably means its not a good idea to count on them doing it. The ACA should have tweaked the regs to force existing insurance to cover more people, and left it at that. Depending on government to build and maintain a market is asking for disaster.

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