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Comment Re:Are the Stasi already forgotten? (Score 1) 103

Yep. Even worse, the Verfassungsschutz (interior "security" agency, created by the USA after the war by recruiting former nazis) is even more implied in (neo)nazi affairs from '45 until today. They basically fund the neonazi party by having half the party being "undercover agents" (thus paid by the government) ....

There's only one way to deal with it : close the BND and the Verfassungsschutz.

Comment Re:Cute but dumb (Score 1) 125

>> And would make that buggy software nearly impossible to patch.

A patch applies to the source, recompile, and there you are.

>> Every time there's a security vulnerability found, you'd essentially have to reinstall the whole application.

No, you have to patch the source and recompile the exe. It's a much saner workflow than to patch a binary (who does this anyway?).

Comment Re:Nuclear is obvious, an energy surplus is desire (Score 2) 433

>> True, nuclear waste is not pollution unless it escapes in an accident

Nuclear waste will escape. why ? because it has billion years of time, will structurally degrade, and there is no known material to contain it.
It already escapes after a few years in every storage man has built for it.
During it's lifetime, it will inevitably mix with soil on a large scale., with all the consequences.

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