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Comment Re:A bit disappointed (Score 1) 104

I agree. There are VERY basic rules and patterns that would be one line of code that would have improved it immensely. This was practically random with almost no hope of purposely coming up with a valid sounding card. Something like black cards can't do direct damage to the other player without a secondary effect or trigger condition. That's a universal law of MTG and yet it prints a black lightning bolt.

Comment WHAT?! You can't be serious (Score 2, Insightful) 105

There is no company called Oculus. It's called Facebook. Facebook bought them. Microsoft is working with Facebook. WHAT?!
So besides that, everything MS touches dies. They can't design anything that customers want anymore and they turn everything into a money-grubbing, ad-infested, piece of garbage that they shove down users throats by abusing their monopoly. Oh now I get why they're working with Facebook.

Comment I have an idea (Score 1) 204

Since aiming a gun with the precision required by Fallout games is impossible with a joystick, they should have skipped consoles altogether. I felt the same about skyrim and everyone that played it told me that archery is impossible on the console version. Joysticks are for racing and flying games, not gun aiming.

Comment it is "a geddon" (Score 1) 88

They're tanking search results for users ON A PC OR LAPTOP due to your mobile-friendliness. It's bullshit and it's forcing the internet to make an unnecessary change and waste money and/or time because they think the web should be more mobile-friendly. It's corrupt, stupid, unfair nonsense and the FTC, FCC, or Supreme Court will crush them when someone eventually files suit over this.
Personally, my business opinion of my computer repair company's website is if they can't read it on a smartphone very well, use a real computer. I chose to completely ignore mobile-friendliness (although my site is extremely fast loading and uses simplistic HTML and no plugins so it actually is mobile friendly, but not in Google's opinion) and now I'm getting penalized by Google for users who are doing the right thing and using a real computer to do searches instead of an inadequately fast device with a 4 inch screen.

Comment oops, they left the chipset behind (Score 1) 126

I doubt they're actually faster at all graphics operations than AMD. A Kaveri APU has a memory controller that runs natively at 2400MHz. These new i5 and i7 CPUs run at an utterly pathetic 1600MHz. When I changed a trinity APU system's memory from 1600 to 2133, the graphics rating in Windows 7 went up 0.7 points. Memory bandwidth is twice as important when you're sharing it with the rest of the system for normal operations as well as graphics operations. They reeeeeally need to upgrade their CPUs and chipsets to handle higher memory frequencies.

Comment a very good use (Score 1) 133

I had to do sound at an outdoor event with limited power so I brought my Earforce X11 headphones and they require USB power amplification to play anything at all at any volume level. So I brought my lithium polymer, solar powered, 4000+ mAH battery pack that weighs like 1 oz to power it the whole time. They're about $23 on ebay from Opteka by the way and they're one of the hottest items sold in my computer repair shop. They do take 16 hours to recharge using just sunlight though.

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