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Comment Re:That would include Java then... (Score 1) 106

I doubt coinstallers are what they block considering the side stuff is downloaded as a separate MSI on the fly while the original installer is running. It sounds like they'll block "flash player pro" and ilivid and others that hide behind fake download button ads THAT THEY THEMSELVES HOST WITH FUCKING ADSENSE!

Comment what an idiot (Score 1) 561

"According to CEO Tim Cook, he's unhappy with Apple's diversity numbers and says Apple is working to improve them"
Here, let me paraphrase what he said. We're going to try our hardest to hire people based on their skin color and gender instead of who is most qualified for the job.

Comment great news! (Score 1) 201

This is great news! Now I can refurb laptops that have HDMI but are generally not so fast and had XP or Vista with Ubuntu and sell them as netflix devices. I've had a lot of requests for $50-100 netflix devices that can surf the web. They're cheaper than the price difference on non-smart and smart TVs and they're a hell of a lot more upgradeable. What I find most surprising is that Chrome runs on Linux. I had no idea!

Comment The perfect routers (Score 1) 427

The ASUS RT-N12 is siiiiick and the ASUS RT-N16 is legendary. They're hyper-intelligent and dirt cheap. One's made the Realtek gear and the other with Broadcom. They can handle 30,000 and 300,000 incoming concurrent connections respectively without jamming. They're all I sell at my shop. They can also take aftermarket firmware.

Comment no way! (Score 1) 371

Seriously? LET IT DIE! It's the worst thing to ever happen to internet security. All they made was a slow, inefficient, awful launching pad for platform-independent viruses. Their updater now even loads crapware onto your computer by default. Their technology is a battery-draining, time-wasting, GPU-melting catastrophe that's right up there with Flash. They did next to nothing to fix their 3 years of straight security problems. What they did do broke millions of programs with every update. Nobody in their right mind is still using Java for anything corporate. Entire banks redid their online banking for security reasons after developing a Java-based solution. There is no need to revive software from such a bad company that has such a bad history.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
