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Comment Re:They're right you bunch of freetards (Score 1) 612

Wrong, you are being obtuse. No customer or client is paying a company before the product exists. Whether creating a new product type or just entering an existing field as a competition, the company has to hire people out of its own savings and that means taking the risk of doing something that may as well (in many cases) lose money instead of making any money. The job is created by the person a who is putting the money on the line. If the clients prepaid for the product upfront you could have half an argument, even then it is not true, somebody had to work to find those clients. But there are no clients prepaying anything in most cases, I know it is true in my case.

When you, yourself use your own savings to hire somebody to build something you intend to sell before having any clients paying you anything, then come back and talk here. Some asshole will be waiting to tell you that those jobs were 'created by consumers' ask him what consumer put his money on the line to create the product in the first place.

You are being obtuse because you cannot admit you are talking out of your ass.

Comment Re:They're right you bunch of freetards (Score 0) 612

Wrong, demand is a consequence of production. With barter a person works (a job) to feed himself only. Companies create huge amounts of products hoping it would sell. The jobs exist much before any sale whatsoever. If the company is wrong as to how much it can sell and it spends too much on production it will lose money, it may fire people and even shut down but the work was already done long before then, salaries were paid out, people hired and products created.

I run a company and some of what I do doesnt have any clients, I am hoping to create the market. Yet I have 6 people in 2 countries who I employ working on these projects. I created the jobs. My savings are used to pay the salaries. My resources are used to create the product that I invented. Tell me more about jobs and products and customers, I am listening here.

Comment Re:They're right you bunch of freetards (Score 0) 612

Strawman. Barter or not, the job is produced by the seller or manufacturer and not by consumer as you stated before. The difference between an individual barterer and a company is the size and scale but not the concept. An individual only creates a job for himself and produces only what he can by himself, so he satisfies very little demand. A company produces more than 1 person can. A company organizes scarce resources including labour, land and capital to produce much more efficiently than a single person can.
Jobs are created in this efficient allocation of resources.

Don't start with me on economics if all you have is political agenda.

Comment Re:More than $100 (Score 4, Interesting) 515

I marvel at the idiocy of our citizens, it's not the government's fault, in not having insisted on keeping and improving rail since the 40's.

Actually the US has the world's best rail system. But that system is for freight, not for passengers. You can't have HSR and freight on the same tracks, so the US railways chose freight.

Comment Re:They're right you bunch of freetards (Score 1) 612

An employee loses a job, finds another one. Sure, he may have some difficult time in between. However he can just walk away and there is nothing the employer can do about it. I want to be able to sue employees for just walking away as they do sometimes. If I lose money as a company I want the employee to share in the pain of the financial loss. If a client doesn't pay for the work I want not to pay the employee who I hired to do the work. I can be sued as a business, I want to split the damages so that the employees also bear some reponsibility.

Oh, I can't really do any of that. The fucked up society cares to protect the employees much more than employers. In fact laws, lawsuits, regulations take away my individual rights as an employer but employees still have those and they get entitlements to demand things from me that go beyond what I am willing to offer.

Employees do not have the headache of obligations imposed by the oppressive violent government structures that employers have.

I am firmly on the side of individual rights, and this means I am firmly on the side that if a person becomes an employer they must not lose those rights.

Why oh why does it happen so that a group representing the majority of people in a so called democracy get more rights than a minority, employers. Can it be that democracy is really a system of the mob ganging up against a minority? Hmmm.

Comment Re:They're right you bunch of freetards (Score 0) 612

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha has ooooh, good one. A company creates jobs as a consequence of organizing scarce resources in such a way that somebody becomes a paying customer while before that organization the customer did not exist. A person that never saw a car in his life may be an obvious client for somebody offering him a stronger horse, but he is not a client to a car company. A car company has to invest, hire and produce first, before the first buyer buys anything at all, the company already spent money, hired people and built the product.

Why don't you add "you didn't build that", while you are at it?

Comment Re:Relevant 19th century Economic Quote (Score 1) 612

Precisely, that is exactly what socialism is: legal codification and glorification of plunder of the minority of business owners and professionals by running the majority - the mob. They feel justified in it too, they legalized theft, codified destruction of the individual rights.

Oh, you wanted to conflate THAT with sound business practice of lowering input costs to make production more efficient by replacing more expensive work force with less expensive one? Why don't you also advocate for unions while at it? You think a job is owned by the employee as opposed to the employer? I take it you codified and glorified theft of private property in your mind just fine.

Comment Re:It goes both ways (Score 0) 612

Corporations shouldn't exist because government shouldn't be regulating or taxing business in the first place. Government should be less than 1% of what it is today, maybe less than 0.001% of what it is. A business is a private matter, government mixing with business is the problem. Before 1970s most banks where private partnerships who were not 'too big to fail', they could fail and that was healthy for the economy and society to let failures fail (businesses or individuals, no difference).

Corporation is government protection against liability that shouldn't even exist, neither should any business regulations or income or wealth taxes. Only the best in the field businesses should survive on their own merits, not because of any law anywhere.

As far as I am concerned all transactions must absolutely voluntary, nobody should be coerced into anything. Let the chaotic movement become organized by purr market forces. This means no boundaries, no artificial locks or prices. Only real money, only real prices on everything. Society should not be based on violence as it is still today. USA was a good attempt at market based society, but not good enough. Apparently China is already doing better.

Supposedly capitalist USA gives bad name to capitalism and supposedly communist China gives good name to communism. In reality China is much more capitalist than the USA is today and the effects are obvious. USA is on a quick decline and China ison a very quick rise.

Comment Re:It's the same old lies from these H1B advocates (Score 1, Interesting) 612

So you say.

I say that a society that destroys individual freedoms by using government violence l shouldn't exist. As to 'I am alright, fuck you', that is a nice narrative, applied to individual freedoms, but the reality is that it is much more appropriate tocyour socialist vision, where the majority oppresses a minority, minority being people building the economy, running businesses that produce thing everybody needs and wants. Businesses are the entities that create and give (and selling is giving in exchange, that is the only way to be sustainable). I say that companies give us everything and the mob wants to steal more than what is exchanged on the voluntary basis.

I say that the true humanitarians are businesses, without them the society is precisely what you described. I say that by running a business an individual must not lose his or her rights to the collective wishes of the mob. I say everybody must be free to do business as they wish, as long as they do not murder, rape or steal. I say mob and government are the primary causes of murder, rape and theft, not business.

Comment Re:More Bullshit (Score 1) 167

It is utterly sickening, because it means you are not actually the owner of the property that you are trying to operate. The government now polices over your business, which means over you and it means you now lost a whole bunch of rights that you have as a person. No government should be anywhere near the voluntary exchange that happens between any two non-government parties. There shouldn't be such a concept even as 'business regulations' any more than there should be 'person regulations' and that also shouldn't exist. As for any crime that could be committed, even that doesn't require any government intervention, people can have perfectly fine private systems to deal with criminals, with murder, theft, breaches of contract and any type of harm.

Comment Re:for anyone who doesn't see anything wrong here: (Score 1) 227

money doesn't magically get in your bank account, dependent only on you, as if you live in an island. in fact, money is nothing more than an abstract value of human society itself. money only exists in the context of a human society,

- first of all you are a moron. Money is only a measure of wealth, wealth is production and it is up to individuals to produce. Without production there is nothing at all, including nothing to measure, which means production comes first as a matter of savings and applying those savings to create something. Money comes second as a way to save, exchange and measure wealth. Money may be a concept that is created by society, but wealth is the actual stuff created by individuals, you thieving crackpot.

luckily, no one sane is going to let a stupid douchebag like yourself or the other puerile crackptos like you prevail on this notion, because we like being rich, and we don't morons like yourself making us poor

- being rich in your mind comes from theft, you piece of shit. How about actually working for leaving, you waste of degenerate skin?

again, remedial education: your income depends upon a well functioning society.

- a well functioning society depends on individuals willing to produce. The only reason a piece of shit like you exists is because of individuals who allowed you to exist by producing enough that your degenerate ancestors were able to maintain your life by consuming the products created by the people a piece of intolerable shit like you have no business even looking at, never mind stealing from.

and, indeed, if you're too stupid or selfish to understand this basic fact of your existence, then yes, men with guns should be sent to take from you what you owe, you freeloading asshole.

- ha ha ha, you stinky bastard. Once your society dies by eating itself while losing the capacity for producing enough, you will become what your real call in life is: a crackhore, giving out blowjobs for crumbs under some bridge.

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