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Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 291

Labor will be automated and people driven out of work until the price of labor (wages, salaries and benefits) is less than the price of additional automation.
Automation only causes unemployment in the short run.

Once people get used to working for less and adopt a lower standard of living, employment will go back up.

The minimum compensation necessary to maintain existence is an absolute floor. This minimum represents a life so miserable most first world citizens would find it unacceptable. Between that floor and current wage levels is a lot of room

Comment Prior Art for this (Score 1) 55

Pocket Calculator


I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I am adding and subtracting
I'm controlling and composing
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I am adding and subtracting
I'm controlling and composing
By pressing down a special key, it plays a little melody
By pressing down a special key, it plays a little melody
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator


Comment This OP will be a magnet for paid trolls (Score 0, Troll) 305

I guarantee it will be filled with fact-free posts denouncing AGW as a pseudo scientific conspiracy fronting a socialist takeover of humanity.

Any time the topic is breached, within minutes the paid troll army swings into action, manufacturing a political consensus on the orders of their paymasters.

Comment Re:It's the same old lies from these H1B advocates (Score 1) 612

No, because there is no difference between a human being and a new iPhone. Neither one needs to sustain itself on what it earns. Neither one has dignity or self-awareness. Neither one has a purpose in its life.Neither a human worker nor an iPhone suffers when they are unable to properly care of their children.

Workers are simply another object, another factor of production. You would not worry about the dignity of the metal ingots that are the raw material of production, why care about the workers? If a manufacturer can save by substituting an inferior type of metal, why shouldn't they? Highly skilled domestic workers are just a highly expensive easily substituted factor of production.

Comment Re:Canadian Memorial to Vietnam opponents (Score 2) 161

No, resistance to the Middle Eastern invasion, the growth of the national security state and ubiquitous surveillance stems directly from that same national security state that gave us the Vietnam War. NSA surveillance is made necessary by the national security state.

Providing historical context for the current problem is not "changing the subject", it explains the current resistance.

What Daniel Ellsberg did for the Vietnam War is echoed in what Assange and the others have done.

Comment Re:Canadian Memorial to Vietnam opponents (Score 3, Insightful) 161

These victims have already been paid their respects. The country that tried to send them to the stone age, that poisoned their landscape and murdered their children has not acknowledged its complicity.

The United States never learned from the Vietnam War. The folks who refused to fight for this lie and emigrated, who built themselves a new life as solid citizens of another country, are not granted the respect they deserve. This simple memorial to their participation in their new homeland became a target for the US right wing hate machine, the same media machine that continues to send us into wars.

The draft dodgers were right. if we had listened, we would not be involved now in the destruction of the Middle East.

People do not leave their homeland to become lifetime emigres for frivolous reasons. The former Americans who moved to Canada and contributed to their adopted homeland deserve credit for what they accomplished.

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