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Comment Re:Schooling, perhaps? (Score 1) 519

And you don't know that the other countries mentioned also have a unionized teaching workforce? Australia , Germany , and Sweden all have active teacher's unions.

Your right wing anti union propaganda does not hold up when researching the actual conditions in educationally high ranking nations. The rest of the world does not follow what you believe.

Comment Almost as good as "signs your child is a Goth" (Score 1) 151

from the "Landover Baptist Church" (hint for the oblivious: this is not a real church): .....

23-Misbehaves at school.
24-Misbehaves at home.
25-Eats goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of
26-Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood. (Vampires
believe this is how to attain Satan. This act is very dangerous and
should be stopped immediately.)
27-Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources.
(Ask your local church for proper programs that your child may watch.)
28-Plays videos games that contains violence or are of a role-playing
29-Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the
30-Makes Satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music.
31-Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner.
32-Expresses an interest in sex.
34-Is homosexual and/or bisexual.
35-Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism,
Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.
36-Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various
phrases: "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "I'm a goth".
37-Claims to be a goth.

Oh wait a second. The UK list is supposed to be serious!!!

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 291

Labor will be automated and people driven out of work until the price of labor (wages, salaries and benefits) is less than the price of additional automation.
Automation only causes unemployment in the short run.

Once people get used to working for less and adopt a lower standard of living, employment will go back up.

The minimum compensation necessary to maintain existence is an absolute floor. This minimum represents a life so miserable most first world citizens would find it unacceptable. Between that floor and current wage levels is a lot of room

Comment Re:Wny did they need the certificates? (Score 1) 95

Issuing for .test and .local are strictly prohibited by the CABForum EV requirements. They will soon be outlawed for DV under the basic requirements.

What seems to have happened is that instead of issuing all test certs for as the procedure manual required, they had to modify the procedure when Symantec took over and they no longer had

So instead of doing what they should have done and using or a test domain bought for the purpose, they typed the first name that entered their head.

Comment Re:Self Signed (Score 1) 95

Actually it doesn't. DANE certificates are not self-signed for a start, they are signed by the DNSSEC key for the zone.

The problem with DANE is that you swap the choice of multiple CAs for a monopoly run by ICANN, a shadowy corporation that charges a quarter million bucks for a TLD because that is what the market will bear. What do you think the price of DANE certification will rise to if it takes off?

ICANN is the Internet version of the NFL only with greater opportunities for peculation and enrichment.

Comment Re:Wny did they need the certificates? (Score 1) 95

Damn right they should. The CPS has a long section on the use of test hardware.

The problem is that all the original team that built VeriSign have been gone for years. A lot of us left before the sale of the PKI business to Symantec. The PKI/DNS merger was not a happy or successful partnership. The original point of the merger was to deploy DNSSEC. that effort was then sabotaged by folk in IETF and ICANN which has delayed the project by at least 10 and possibly 20 years. ATLAS was originally designed to support DNSSEC.

Unfortunately, in PKI terms what VeriSign was to IBM, Symantec is to Lenovo.

They apparently remember the ceremonies we designed but not the purpose. So they are going through the motions but not the substance.

One of the main criticisms I have heard is that we built the system too well. From 1995 up to 2010 it worked almost without any issues. So people decided that they didn't need things like proper revocation infrastructure. The only recent issue the 1995 design could not have coped with was DigiNotar which was a complete CA breach.

There are some developments on the horizon in the PKI world that will help add controls to mitigate some of the issues arising since. But those depend on cryptographic techniques that won't be practical for mass adoption till we get our next generation ECC crypto fully specified.

Comment Re:What is a pre-certificate? (Score 3, Informative) 95

A pre-certificate is created for use in the Certificate Transparency system. Introducing pre-certificates allows the CT log proof to be included in the certificate presented to an SSL/TLS server.

The CT system generates a proof that a pre-certificate has been enrolled in it. The proof is then added to the pre-certificate as an extension and the whole thing signed with the production key to make the actual certificate.

If the CT system logged the actual certificate, the proof of enrollment would only be available after the certificate had been created.

Comment Prior Art for this (Score 1) 55

Pocket Calculator


I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I am adding and subtracting
I'm controlling and composing
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I am adding and subtracting
I'm controlling and composing
By pressing down a special key, it plays a little melody
By pressing down a special key, it plays a little melody
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator

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