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Comment I'm pretty consistent (Score 2) 45

My path through the grocery store is pretty consistent. Wander through produce looking for what I need. Beeline to the back wall, where the meat is. Head to eggs/dairy, next to the meat. Hang a 180, down the frozen foods aisle, hang a left, where the deli is for my meat and cheese for the week. Do a 180, head to the checkout.

Every other month or so I need something like fish sauce, olive oil, etc, and then they can track me wandering aimlessly down the aisles, if they had microphones they'd hear me muttering "dammit, why don't they label the aisles better" and "dammit, where's the damned kimchi"

Staples like tomato sauce, chicken stock, etc are bought a couple times a year at Costco.

Comment That's actually not a bad idea (Score 1) 91

I cook pretty much every night (other nights being leftovers or dinner out with a friend), and never make things like ravioli because I hate spending an hour making the damn things for 5 minutes of eating pleasure.

Give me a printer that can make me some ravioli, lasagna, etc, and then pop a couple pieces into the dishwasher and HurryUpAndTakeMyMoney.jpg.

Comment Lemme get this straight (Score 2) 65

You have 2 companies who each end up in the bottom 10 of the country's most hated companies, both are considered monopolies, and yet somehow, due to, I dunno, campaign contributions, you think letting them join forces to fuck their customers more than each entity alone can do, is a good thing?

I hate the D's and the R's equally, who the fark can I fire for letting this merger go through? Oh, none? You mean, I'm helpless? If I say any more I'll have agents from DHS at my door before my alarm goes off tomorrow morning.

Comment Re:Already happened to a good portion of the early (Score 1) 166

Yep, first website I gave my CC info to was, back in, dunno, 92/93. Ordered hot sauce, the standout was Sriacha, aka Rooster Sauce. Website is long gone, as are the other things I ordered to get free shipping, but I go through 3/4 Sriacha bottles a year to this day. I think the Rooster sauce was the thing I used to push shipping to free, funny how things work.

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