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Comment Skynet is the end result..... (Score 1) 990

The almost inevitable result is fewer people with jobs, and an ever increasing percentage of unemployed.

At some point there is going to be a major societal shift IMO:

Either the people with nothing change the nature of our capitalist society, or the people with essentially everything take the LAST logical step and build Terminators to "fix" the welfare problem. This could be hyperbole, but from a logical perspective if you are replacing everyone with robots why wouldn't you replace the police/military
so you don't have to worry about strikes etc?

Comment Re:1st A... (Score 2) 338

no you misunderstood. I mean anything the CITY does is public record and hence should be subject to scrutiny and criticism, especially by its employees.
If the workplace sucks, then the citizens have a right to know that their city treats it's people like crap. If the city is doing something questionable by all means the employees should be able to post negative comments about it.

We have an expectation that government is public and as such it should be held to a higher public standard.

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