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Comment Be smart when gaming. (Score -1, Troll) 144

As a health care professional, I cannot recommend playing video games, especially with such high end equipment. The frequencies of the electronics inside run so high that the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) can cause serious genetic damage to those sitting nearby. All these cores running at such high speed on the GPUs generate microwave-like radiation that is sure to cause long term genetic damage, especially when the player is sitting right near the source. There's a reason these high end graphics parts are called "Cancer Cards"; they're a one-way ticket to Cancer Town.

If you can't go without your fancy graphics cards, there are a few suggestions I give all my patients:

- Consider placing the physical computer in another room lined with metal caging, a basic Faraday cage, to minimize your exposure to this life-robbing radiation.

- Never play games on a laptop. The radiation will come out the bottom of the device and irradiate your reproductive organs. It's well known among that gaming is the number one cause of fertility issues. You're basically baking your organs in death rays.

- If you must play games, consider radiation-free games outside during the hours when the sun is not at its peak. Horseshoes is a wonderful game and provides hours of fun for the whole family.

- Receive regular chiropractic adjustments to help drain off the accumulated radiation that will collect in clumps withing in your body's nervous system. These are called "Vertebral Subluxations" and are the greatest threat to you and your health. It's a proven fact that removing these subluxations with regular chiropractic care will add years, sometimes decades, to a person's life.

Take care,
Dr. Bob

Comment Vaccines are Big Pharma trash. (Score -1) 657

All you need is a good diet, regular exercise, good sleep, and chiropractic adjustments to remove the subluxations from your nervous system.
The adjustments will allow your body's innate intelligence that exists in every cell to communicate with its neighbors properly and eliminate any chance of dis-ease.

Comment They're out to get those who speak the truth. (Score -1) 282

It's a well known fact that vaccines cause autism, shingles, asthma, fertility issues, and a whole host of other issues. What the government is trying to do it silence those who speak the truth.

- They're silencing the homeopaths for demonstrating safe and effective methods of non-pharmaceutical treatments. Thanks, Big Pharma!
- They're silencing Covid vaccine hesitant doctors
- They're silencing chiropractors for daring to prove how gentle spinal adjustments add years to your life and eliminate you need for drugs. Thanks, Big Pharma and Big Med!

They're going after anyone that is a truth-speaking enemy of their corporate sponsors.

Comment These people will need chiropractic when back. (Score -1, Offtopic) 98

It's a well known fact that leaving the earth's protective atmosphere floods the body with all sorts of deadly space radiation. That radiation will accumulate in their nerve cells during the time they are playing spaceman.

The only way to ensure they don't get cancer from their accumulated radiation is to have emergency chiropractic adjustments within minutes after arriving back on the ground. The adjustment will remove any subluxations from their spine that they will receive from the brutal jarring endured during the mission. If they fail to receive immediate chiropractic care, the subluxations will block nerve flow, preventing the natural flushing out of the deadly, stored radiation. That is a one-way ticket to Cancer Town!

That all said, Jeff Bezos is a very smart man. I'm guessing he will have assembled a crack team of some of the best chiropractors from around the world that will be waiting to treat the team soon after landing.

Comment The problems aren't mechanical. (Score -1) 38

I'm relaying this story because my life is in danger and the truth needs to be told. At the very least people be able to hold Boeing accountable. Also note I am not depressed or suicidal.

I offered Boeing a deal in which they would contract me for only $200K/month. My job would be to isolate all the electronic issues in the plane which lead to virtually every single other problem one could experience in a plane. Planes are like the human body. Their electronic system is similar to the human nervous system. Over time the human nervous system will become riddled with life-robbing vertebral subluxations that cause diminished or blocked nerve impulses, thus robbing the body of its own essential innate intelligence.

My plan was to crawl through the entire assembly of the plane at the factory and when I located subluxations in the wiring, I would correct them through gentle & all-natural chiropractic adjustments to the wiring and wire harnesses. Boeing refused my offer, even after several attempts at explaining the dangers they were creating right there in the factory. They eventually cut off all contact and had a no-contact order placed on me.

Mark my words, when Boeing jets have problems, the FAA will cover it up and blame it on "pilot error" or "mechanical failure" when the problem is with wiring that is infested with deadly subluxations.

Comment Vaccines caused Bitcoin. (Score 2, Funny) 70

Vaccines caused Bitcoin to happen.

It's a well known fact that childhood vaccines cause autism. High functioning autistic people are known to be good at certain things like math, computer work, engineering, etc.

Without his obvious vaccine-induced autism, Satoshi Nakamoto would probably have been happy working in another less technical field. Instead he created Bitcoin and all the other autists flocked to it like moths to a flame. Millions of vaccine-damaged people trading trillions of dollars in a pyramid scheme that non-autistics cannot understand. It's scary, like webmasters who speak "HTML" amongst themselves (another sign of vaccine injury).

Personally I think anyone who hold any crypto currency should be held in large sanitorium-style centres and treated by the latest in chiropractic treatment. Through chiropractic, we can treat autism by removing dangerous subluxations from the spine. Think of a kinked garden hose; a subluxation is that kink in your nerves preventing your life essence from flowing through your body. Once a licensed chiropractor treats the person suffering from subluxation, the life energy and innate intelligence of your cells will flow freely and the person's autism will lessen.

I predict that if my sanatorium idea takes off and crypto holders are all treated with chiropractic adjustments, all cryptocurrency would disappear within 6-9 months.

Comment He should have seen a chiropractor. (Score -1) 344

He should have seen a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment has been scientifically proven to add years to a person's life.

The sedentary lifestyle of computer people is a recipe for disaster. Subluxations form alone the spinal column robbing the person of decades of life.

If you are a computer person, be smart, see a chiropractor.

RIP Roblimo.

Comment Vaccines = Autism and Brain Damage (Score -1) 335

It has been known since the 1990's that vaccines cause autism and other neurological problems.
All you need for good health and natural immunity is

- an organic diet. Paleo and as organic as possible, Stay away from GMO's at all cost.

- limits to radiation exposure. Keep your cell phone far away when not in use and don't microwave food. It mangles the molecules and makes toxins.

- Regular chiropractic adjustments. They keep your nervous system's signals free flowing. A vertebral subluxation in your spine is like a kink in a garden hose. Some water goes through, not all.

- Avoid all Big Pharma MD's. All they want is your money. They want customers not cures.

- Exercise. Especially in areas away from high voltage power lines and non-organic farmland.

You'll live to be at least 90 if you follow these simple steps.
User Journal

Journal Journal: It's good to be back from my missionary work. 1

It's hard to believe that it was about 10 months ago I took a sabbatical and went on life-saving work in Africa, Antarctica and the Amazon basin. I was part of a team of 14 from Chiropractors Without Borders .

This find organization travels the world with our drop tables and performs life-saving chiropractic treatments wherever needed. Natural disaster areas, poor areas of the world, you name it. We've even been learning Veterinarian Chiropractic.

Comment What this SHOULD be used for... (Score -1, Offtopic) 53

This is actually good science.

Chiropractic researchers and interested neurologists should use this technology to study the subtle, yet catastrophic, micro-subluxations which are a major cause of human suffering. It is a well known fact that if you do not receive regular chiropractic adjustments, the chances of you having health-damanging subluxations are nearly 100%.

D.D. Palmer trained the first Chiropractors to detect and eliminate such scourges. It's nice to see science catching up with Chiropractic circa 1895!

App Developer: Android Designed For Piracy 596

Following news this week of a game developer who turned the Android version of a game free because of piracy concerns, software developer Matt Gemmell has written a lengthy post explaining why he thinks Android apps are laboring under a broken business model. "People have to get paid. There has to be a revenue stream. You can’t reliably have that revenue stream if the platform itself and the damaged philosophy behind it actively sabotages commerce. If you want a platform to be commercially viable for third-party software developers, you have to lock it down. Just like in real life, closing the door and locking it helps make sure that your money remains yours. Bad behaviour has to be more difficult than good behaviour - and good behaviour means paying for your software." He also has some harsh arguments about some of the assumptions and philosophies underpinning the an industry built on an open platform. "Nerds like to say that people care about choice at that level. Nerds are wrong. Nerds care about choice, and nerds are such a tiny minority of people that nobody else much cares what the hell they think. Android is designed with far too much nerd philosophy, and open is gravy to those people because it’s synonymous with customization. ... Open is broken as a money-making platform model, unless you’re making the OS or the handsets. Most of us aren't doing that."

Comment "health care" = "disease management" (Score -1, Troll) 504

Higher health care spending leads to DEATH and DISEASE!

Our medical system is a sickness system designed to keep you needing constant infusions of BigPharme medicine and vaccines. How many "MDs" kill people every year? Probably ALL of them. Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, you name it. They are murdered by subscription-writing MDs who don't care about wellness!

I would love to see just $1 billion spent on proper research into Chiropractic care. We have the proof: millions of patients with pain-free backs, hearing restored, general health and wellness. But as the group-think goes "anectdotes are not evidence" Well, with just that drop in the bucket of money, we could PROVE the benefits.

The Basics for a Healthy Life:
- Eat well. Preferably an organic, vegan diet. Grow your own vegetables if you have the space.
- Get plenty of exercise. If you live in a city, look for a gym with a HEPA air filtration system. You don't want to be breathing heavily and inhaling the toxins of a big city.
- Avoid the Medical System. Once you're caught in the 'health system', you will die. Vaccines, "medicines", and other garbage your body doesn't need. Your body has Innate Knowledge and knows how to repair itself if given the chance.
- Receive regular Chiropractic adjustments. This will help with nervous system function, remove blockages/subluxations, and help with nerve impulse distribution.

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