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Comment Re:Solar is a scam (Score 1) 195

Solar Star ( has a net otuput of 1.6TWh/year for 13 sq km.

The U.S. needs 4,090 TWh a year ( for Electricity.

That's 33,228 sq km at the same density of Solar Star

The Mojave Desert alone is 124,000 sq km.

The world's energy requirements (elecricty and non-electricity) is around 150,000 TWh, or 1.3m sq km.

The Sahara Desert is 9.2m sq km.

Comment Re:Screw Disney, they are ruining everything (Score 1) 182

> I compare and contrast against Netflix, which built it's way to the top of the streaming market, rather that just buying other people's content.

Netflix worked its way to the top by
1) Renting out DVDs of other peoples content via mail, which turned out far better than blockbuster
2) Building on that to stream other peoples movies, because they understood the future and the beomouths didn't

However now the content producers are catching up, Netflix has to pay more for the streaming rights, and has a lot of cash from investments, so has been building its own shows in the hopes people will stick with netflix.

Netflix didn't start to produce their own shows until mid 2013 (aside from one film in 2012).

Comment Re:Total disservice to taxpayers (Score 1) 293

Why does your president need such? Cameron popped over to the States the other week, he flew back in business on BA, not even in first (my wife would not be impressed if I sent her in business). He has his finger on 180 nuclear warheads, but seems to be able to do that from a civilian plane just as well.

Comment Re:Producing good TV is Expensive... (Score 1) 116

I think what a lot of people (particularly Slashdotters) fail to realize is the cost to produce some of these shows. Take a show like Portlandia - You'd think you could shoot it with a handycam and a Macbook, but in fact there is a large crew of professionals behind the scenes -

That's not a large crew of "professionals". That's a large crew of people standing around doing nothing of value. You need a director, somebody to hold the camera and somebody of hold the microphone. Everything else is all Hollywood bullshit. Assistants and assistants to assistants. Lackeys and assistant lackeys.

Lighting. Multi camera shoots.

Then things like props and costumes, makeup, etc, all need to be on set.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

I see no evidence for this. There is not enough oil to spend on transportation driving fuel guzzling vehicles like in the US but this is not the model used in other 'civilized' places in Asia like Japan. They use electric public transport a lot.

Japan's per capita energy use is similar to that of Europe, and about half that of the USA, but twice that of china, and 4 times that of India, Indonesia, etc.

That ignores externalised energy though - manufactured goods consumed in the west are made in the east which skews the energy usage levels to mean the west is lower than it should be based on consumption.

It's bad regardless, even if the u.s. dropped down to Japan or France levels, and china, India, Indonesia, brazl, and Africa were brought up to Japan levels.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

Yes, in the Star Trek economy, gold is still rare. However, since there are few commercial applications for gold, you would see the price drop precipitously.

In 24th century Star Trek gold is worthless (outside of primitive cultures). I can't believe I have to say this on slashdot. Latinum is valuable, as it can't be replicated, but given its not a practical means of exchange they suspended liquid Latinum in worthless gold.

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