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Comment Re:Employers don't want employees who LOOK lazy. (Score 5, Insightful) 133

I don't know if most of us got into tech to avoid manual labor. I personally got in it because I like the idea of solving problems, rather than taking care of them for a short while.

I'd appreciate more physical activity at work, 40 hours a week of physical idleness(on top of sleeping) is not what the human body evolved for.

Comment Re:Loose Lips Sinik Ships (Score 4, Interesting) 248

Sort of, yes.

No person shall [...] be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

In this case, freedom to travel could be considered a relatively benign liberty (undeniably granted freely to the majority of the population, thus its denial requires due process).

This is one of those cases where the 5th plays nicely with the (non-bill of rights) protection against bills of attainder that prevent the government from targeting individuals for punishment.

Comment Re:America (Score 1) 248

Let's set aside the kinda inane charge of a strawman, since I haven't outlined any sort of libertarian position, and jump straight to the mess of "why bring them up at all?"

The answer is that their agreement, while politically convenient to the policy position I'd want, is based off of fundamentally different reasons I'd find specious, and I'd prefer to clarify the source of my opinion.

Comment Re:America (Score 1, Troll) 248

Look, no matter how totalitarian we actually are, we will always pretend this is true. "America is the specialist most freest place in the universe" is an idea beaten into children's heads without qualification throughout early and middle childhood. It's my pet theory that this is the mechanism by which we get so many libertarians.

Comment It'd be nice... (Score 4, Insightful) 248

If somehow we could avoid letting the worst ideas just kinda slide.

There's not a lick of evidence that no-fly has helped anyone, but we need to insist its policies not face even the slightest judicial review. Asshole libertarians tend identify me as an authoritarian because I state the obvious vis a vis their fundamental beliefs, but this kind of deprivation without due process is still completely nuts.

Comment Re:Say what you will but this is cool (Score 4, Insightful) 52

I don't know about you, but I've felt I lived in a sci-fi future since at least smartphones.

Then I remember my smart phone is assembled by an underclass of near slaves with appalling working conditions, whose suffering is hidden from me by layers of marketing, bureaucracy, and inter-corporate supply chains, and I realize, no, it's a cyber-punk future, actually.

I'm just not on the punk side, but instead the blaise upper class side that gets hacked by up-and-coming rebels in cyberpunk stories.

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