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Comment Re:Unpossible (Score 1) 107

Nothing is invisible and completely anonymous except ... maybe ... for professionals, and by professionals I mean people active in the crypto and surveillance fields. Your wallet is on a phone (a burner for each wallet which you haven't used for ANY other purpose); purchased where (in the same city where you live?); connected to the internet, which does what? connects to DNS, uses 4G towers? You can be traced.

The greatness of the bitchain is not complete anonymity from a rapacious, malicious government. It doesn't protect you from that. The cure to that is limited government. The way to get that is by electing people who want to limit government and not elect people who want to make it ever-so-bigger and more intrusive.

If we have a truly malicious government then bitcoin will not help.

Comment Re:I think there's plenty of room to debate (Score 1) 1032

The key phrase there was: "If you can get admitted to a German university, you will pay nothing (at least in tuition, that may not represent a totally free ride)."

Here anyone can go to college. Even those who can barely read, write, count (not talking about any so difficult as quadratic equations) and many have no desire to work or study hard.

Every dollar and ounce of energy we spend with them we don't spend on those that have the aptitude and desire as per the German system.

Not saying that we shouldn't give people second chances in life later on. We should. But to simply say "it's free" is not the solution.

Comment Re:But Bernie Sanders is 'IRRELEVANT' (Score 1) 1032

If you want information for the love of information you needn't go to college for that. Nor should taxpayers subsidize your partying and making friends.

I have a degree in Art and a MA in history and I'm a programmer so I understand what you're saying.

Nonetheless college is for getting a J.O.B. Else just go to a bar and hang out there for 4 years.

Comment Re:I think there's plenty of room to debate (Score 1) 1032

It's an interesting question - but part of the problem is that universities expecting everyone to subsidize all their pet projects and programs. You can't learn everything in college. It's interesting that people who have contempt for a subject while in school (say art or history) can fall in love with it 20 years later. Furthermore there are plenty of places to learn just about any subject. You needn't learn in it a University and you certainly don't need to go into debt for it.

Universities are no longer places where those will money get well-grounded in the humanities. It's a place where you learn skills to get you ahead in the world. Universities are getting less and less relevant and getting 250,000 dollars in debt to go to a top ranked school does not make any sense. Sociology course should be taught on line and cost minimal dollars for proctored exams.

We shouldn't be promoting this option and we certainly shouldn't be subsidizing it.

Comment Re:But Bernie Sanders is 'IRRELEVANT' (Score 1) 1032

No. 1. Stop forcing people to take courses that they don't want.

2. Stop subsidizing degrees that won't get you anywhere. A Women's Studies degree will not get you a job. Why should anyone subsidize another for taking those courses? If you're curious about a subject then take it on your own dime. (I have a MA in history - not very useful in the job market.)

Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for courses for your enlightenment. You want to spend time learn in depth about the rise of the concept of individual sovereignty; or the development of the market economy in the post-antebellum south - go ahead (but with your own money).

Comment Re:Let me answer this question: (Score 1) 176

Provoked in what way? By saying - you don't want to eat pork? Fine. But f*** you for prohibiting it for me. You want to say praise muhammad go ahead. But if I want to say f*** muhammad then no laws or violence or threats of violence should be issued against me. If they do - they you (the oh-so-offended-defender-of muhammad) are the aggressor.

Comment Re:Nothing to see here, move along. (Score 1) 308

OJ wasn't double jeopardy. In one case he was accused of killing someone. In another case he was accused of (not exactly sure of the details) roughing up and holding someone prisoner for a period of time. (OJ thought this person stole from him.)

These were two different incidents.

Comment Re:The good thing is (Score 4, Insightful) 50

Our liberties have been further and further eroded as we've stopped calling them Individual Rights. Calling them civil liberties takes away the power, the self-awareness that comes from knowing that the right of speech (as for example) comes from YOU and can only be abridged by governments. Rights do not come from governments. Governments can either acknowledge and respect individual rights or abrogate them.

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